Steem: How to build a network and retain users

in #steem5 years ago

... with 5000 SP or less, providing you with (despite average content) one of the most engaging blogs on Steem.

Alive works for me - although, you have an auto-vote set..... interesting.....

The tl;dr

Find decent people, invest a little SP and a good deal of time.

Yesterday, I pulled all but one of my remaining delegations to the 50 'person' accounts I've delegated to over the past 18 months. Removing delegation is not something I enjoy doing, but most of these accounts reached the goal I set out in my mind when I originally delegated them some Steem Power.

Many of these accounts owned a couple of hundred Steem Power or less when the 'free SP' was provided, and the target was to see out the loan until they reached 500 SP, or quit.

And so, with a few pies and a bit of summary, hopefully we can see how this 'experiment' has turned out, as well as possibly answering the question set out to me on Discord a couple of weeks ago:

My answer at the time was as follows:

I've always tried to respond to everyone, except the total spammers - even those guys i'll respond to at times with something short. I guess running a league of engagement has helped, something for people to drop in on weekly. Lots of my engagers are minnows, or smaller - it is a lot of time.

In this reply I forgot to mention that I was delegating Steem Power to dozens of accounts, many of which (as the charts will show), joined towards the end of 2017 and in the first half of 2018.

Why is that important?

Steem Power was, in relation to it's lifetime average, very expensive over this period.

We had this boom of new users, who if they wanted to invest, needed to pay top wack to do so. Those that could afford to did, and many are still here, lowering their average, and earning by hook or crook.

However, those people aren't necessarily the best engagers, or the best authors. And by law of averages, those people were more likely to be found in the greater number of accounts that didn't have $2500 to buy 500 SP.

When were these accounts created?

I mentioned above that many of the accounts I delegated to arrived around the boom period for both STEEM price and new users.

December, January, and March all had price peaks for STEEM and or SBD - not good months to buy, but with the large influx of new people, surely some good ones?

Month of delegations

The busiest month followed the all time highs for new users and price. Lots of 'how to' posts, lot's of people still finding their way in a falling market.

In a network still termed 'complex' by some of our most educated authors, the rapid growth of the user-base, just in time for a year long collapse in price, created the perfect storm for shocking user retention.

Churn rates in the first half of last year were terrible, and I quote:

January (2018) showing that Steemit lost more active users than gained source


With the above data in mind, how did I do? Did I pick the right people? - Are they still around, engaging and powering up?

Current status of previous delegates

As I mentioned earlier, the vast majority of these accounts held under 500 Steem Power when I originally delegated. It is pretty tough to track the exact number they held at the time and so you will just have to take my word for it.

Almost 60% of these accounts now hold at least 500 Steem Power of their own. That is a fair result I would say, considering 23 of the 50 accounts joined in December 2017 and January 2018 - a time where we lost more active users than we gained.

Last post activity of previous delegates

Over half of my 50 previous delegates posted less than 24 hours ago, and 70% of them in the past week.

Yes, I'm pretty happy with that.

So that was the 'little SP', what about 'the good deal of time'?

It's true, you can't throw 'money' at problems and expect that to solve them alone. The encouragement given by entrusting your Steem Power in someone is great (I know the feeling), but without the time spent engaging, answering questions, dealing with requests, etc, this is only half the solution.

I'm not going to dwell on this too much, but if you are interested you can check back on an analysis last year in relation to user retention and that league of mine here:

It does take time to manage, produce, and follow up with commentary, but it's part of the answer to how to engage and retain users.

I don't have a whale-sized stake, I don't write anywhere close to the most interesting content.....

... but I do share a witness and you can vote for it here!

or here:




Nice one Asher, here's how it went with me:

  • onboard Jan '18
  • price too high to buy, so organic growth to start with....plod plod towards three digits
  • price starts dropping, I buy some, get to 300 ish SP[edit]
  • you then give me a delegation which gets me a slider :) [edit]
  • in July when the price goes to less than £1, I start buying [edit]
  • I'm still here, been buying in trickles since the summer, posting 1/2 times per week
  • Implementing PIF in my own way as I go along and feel the flow
  • It's great 🤗

Thanks for the support Asher 🔆



That's awesome!

I've not forgotten about the logo, it will be changed soon enough.

Happy that you are still here and feeling the flow :)


...wasn't 'reminding' you, just using some 'Asher' props that I had lying around ;)
btw, thinking about it I'd got the chronology in my comment wrong....edited now.
The flow has taken me a while to feel, but I do feel it flowing now 🔆

Very nice. Thanks for supporting and engaging on the blockchain!

Thank you for trying to help some small accounts.

I also answer nearly everyone most of the time. I upvote comments and I try to read and engage with others each day too.

The hard part is getting stretched too thin!

Thank you for the thank you! :D

Yeah, I've written about being over-stretched a few times, and this is sort of another message to the now completely deaf larger accounts who have never really engaged in these sorts of activities.

It's a business, we are different, that is fine. No seriously, it's FINE :P

i'm trying to cut my engagement down, spend way too much time here:)

If you work out a good way, can you write a guide and tag me?

lol. i have only 55 people on my feed with plans to cull and only write 30 words a day. You have no chance :)
Edit: do people look for their tags? lol. leave a comment for me otherwise id never see it

I have Ginabot notify me of tags but I don't check most of them as people tag indiscriminately to get attention.

You have used your 30 words for today - See you tomorrow.

I have tags set for when people don't tag me, like 'abh12345' and 'steemcommunity' :D

haha :D

I think there are many of us in the same boat!

A few months ago I delegated to a few newbies with @simplymike a few of them have stuck around which is cool! She also mentioned something that stuck with me that when you delegate you get a follower life lol

Well done! I think it’s great to see initiatives it help reduce churn after seeming @paulag 6 month stat report we can see it’s really needed

Posted using Partiko iOS

when you delegate you get a follower life

It's a very fair comment. Some of us were/are in a position to do that, and it's a good way to build your steem community.

I've not read Paula's latest churn report, I hope it looks better than it did a year ago.

Those are great stats and much better than normal churn rates! I wonder if any of the Dapps or front-ends are taking this into consideration as a possible way to increase retention. Another key is probably proper onboarding!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It is going to get better in time as there will be more use cases that support diverse interests. The delegation has to be done with some sensitivity otherwise they get abused :)

The delegation has to be done with some sensitivity otherwise they get abused

Yep, the league helps keep people in check :)

It's a great thing you're doing, Asher, and has inspired me. These last couple of weeks, i've been delegating to promising newcomers. Basically as an act of rebellion against the unfair rules that came with HF20 - which gave newcomers barely a fair chance to survive. I realize that without an instream of newcomers, this place will be doomed.
And it is in fact that category of users that is often forgotten.

Sometimes It turns out great, and people are really making the most of that delegation that helps them to not run out of RC that often. Sometimes, it doesn't, and they disappear anyway. It's a risk, but one I'm fully prepared to take if I can get people like @steemaddiction and @kayda-ventures to stay and give them a chance to succeed.

I do try to follow up on them at least once a week - just to see how they're doing, leaving a motivational comment, or give them some advice. I recently started to redirect them to Steem Terminal, although I always tell them I'm available to answer any questions they may have.

It's good to see people like @krazzytrukker, @nurseanne84 and others have found their way here.

Everyone knows, I did the same for @cicisja once, and we all know how that turned out :0)

Thanks so much @simplymike

Posted using Partiko Android

you are so talented... it would be a shame to lose you again due to those stupid rules :0)

Thanks ,I so much appreciate @simplymike

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you :)

And it is in fact that category of users that is often forgotten.

Totally. Who cares about someone who cant even cast a cent vote on your post? I do, and you do, and a lot of people in 'our' community do.

people are really making the most of that delegation that helps them to not run out of RC that often. Sometimes, it doesn't, and they disappear anyway. It's a risk

It is a very small risk, that's the cool thing about delegation. Sure you've missed out a little yourself, but for the chance to help someone settle in, totally worth it.

I did the same for @cicisja once, and we all know how that turned out

Can't get rid of this lady now! :D

Can't get rid of this lady now! :D

So true... and so glad about that :0)

What a show off :D

Good job mate.

I wonder what my numbers would show? I know that the onboards didn't do much other than @galenkp who is smashing it but, the ones who I have delegated to that I met on chain would be interesting. I might have a stickybeak later :)

You know me mate, at every available opportunity :)

I would hope they would show up quite well. Galen is in a good position, taking nothing away from his content and engagement levels though!

Stick your beak in :)

I know that @cryptoandcoffee and @wolfhart are going hard and @honeydue also. I remember delegating to cryptoandcoffee because of RC issues, he definitely doesn't have that now.. I should pull his dele ;D

Maybe at 5k, in a month or 3 :)

Good choices!

@tarazkp you delegated to me and that was highly appreciated and the beginning of a great and still ongoing journey. I am doing fine sometimes I even join this league which comes out on Sunday from the new front desk manager in a almost ready hotel ....😉 @abh12345

Wow, that is pretty impressive. It doesn't seem like the people you were trying to help out did too badly. I joined right around Jan of 2018 when the price was sky high too. Looking back now I really wish I had done things differently. I kept at it though and I am doing fairly decent I think. I know without a doubt there are some posts I should have held onto a bit longer. What can you do though. Even now though I feel like I am just interacting with the same people over and over again. I don't feel like I am gathering new followers...

The new followers are trickling in at the moment for all accounts but, that'll change and perhaps already changing. I have noticed a few new account follows and votes coming from new Steemit signups with 15SP as price has increased. When the bull run comes, there will be many more onboarding and even though they won't have much value, some of them (like Asher has shown) will find support and do well over time and strengthen the ecosystem further.

Good points!

Posted using Partiko Android

We could use more steemit people like you in here @abh12345

Aww thank you Rebecca, very kind :D

that didn't have $2500 to buy 500 SP.

Are you sure it is $2500 not $250? It must be some day in the past when steem price was $7 😊.

Your chart and pies still looked so amazing to me @abh12345. You helped so many minnows and red fishes, even planktons too👍👍👍👍👍 I think I keep steeming because I was one of your delegatee.

Yes it was sometime in the past :) Much easier now of course.

I think I keep steeming because I was one of your delegatee.

That's the best message for me today :D

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