My 2018: Achievements and Failures - Reached Level 4️⃣!

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)

This looks like a good opportunity for a birthday blockchain submission - yep, it's my birthday and wtf, it's the big 4-0!

The 10th of December 2018. My fortieth birthday, and the most sober one for about 25 years - is that a success or a failure?

Let's go with success - there is no chance of drunken blockchain activity today, and I had my lunch and single beer bought for me. Cheers mum!

Forty doesn't feel so bad, I was close to a mental breakdown approaching 30 and did not want to leave the 20's at all. Today though, whatever! A couple of kind souls (who I didn't bribe) have already commented about me not looking my age, that's nice, and also fitting if the case because I often don't act it either - not sure how 'acting 40' is supposed to go. If it's wife, job, car, house, then yeah... I'm not even close!

There you go, I achieved 40 years old in 2018. Upvote/Resteem/Flag.

What else has happened this year then? Well it started with a trip to Paris, and quickly on to La Reunion which was going to be our new home. At the time I wasn't single, and the other half had landed a job on the Island. A pity in some respects that the role wasn't as advertised, the school wasn't ready, the apartment above wasn't even close to being ready, and that plan quickly changed. I'm not sure Sylvia still reads my blogs (probably not!), but here's a couple of photo's from happier times.

So Reunion Island (outside of the capital) was pretty cool. I'm happy I got to visit and so can put that one down as an achievement. Oh yeah, the trip was covered 100% by SBD - thank you Steem!

At the same time though, I'd say it was a failure too - a relationship failure. The stress behind the job situation for S, and trying to write blogs each day whilst wanting to 'go do stuff' was hard. We fought a lot, smiled for the camera, and tried to balance work and play. Did a shit job overall, and yeah, c'est la vie.

Once the job thing didn't work out, we took a plan over to the next nearest tropical island, Mauritius..... And went through the same motions again. Let's go do stuff... OK but I need to pay for it with this blog....

I think you get the point. Anyway, that was January and February. A crazy/stressful/wow look at that waterfall coming out of the clouds couple of months.

Looking back at the posts from the next couple of months, it's pretty obvious I was in hermit mode. The weather was still pretty dire here in Mallorca, and most of my content was Steem related - usually a sign that there is sweet FA going on in my life. At the end of April though, I took a trip to the UK to visit this little lady.

My daughter, who I'll be seeing again in 5 days time.

I've written a fair amount in the past on my decision to leave the UK, and I know there's likely people thinking 'how/why', when she's there. Fair enough, I can sometimes not answer that question myself. At the time though I was in a dark place - somewhere I hope never to return to, even though a move back 'home' could happen in the near future.

Anyway, seeing her in person is a big thing for me (and likely her), so the 2 trips are going down and a good thing for me this year, even though I'd like another 50 on top.

Summer arrived along with the world cup and a couple of Steemians I'd met at last years Steemfest. Sunshine, friends, and football. Hell yes!

Knowing these guys were heading over for the a weekend during the summer was very cool. They watched England win a game and provided some proof to my mum that I wasn't sat here all day talking to a bunch of bots/aliens.

Most of the remaining 'me' blogs after the summer were focused on 'the road to SteemFest'. Like this contest, it was hosted by @anomadsoul, and was an excellent idea to get to know your future friends at this years event. Making it SteemFest 3 (with a huge helping hand from @smooth, @curie, and other kind Steemians supporting me/my content, was one of the highlights. Another destination off the list, and some more friends gained. I think it's fair to say that I'm welcome to go bin-diving any time in Finland, or get fucked up on Palinka in Romania - Networking, done!

This year though has mostly been about Steem.

I've sat in front of this screen for god knows how many hours, producing content, bitching at people, giving out STEEM, mining data, falling asleep with the laptop on my legs, laughing, shouting, and much more.

My self-diagnosed addictive personality has really latched on to this one, and even through these lows I see massive potential. The time invested has been great, but that doesn't guarantee a red Lambo, at all. Many will look at my account and see I've done very well compared to the average, and some will remember 5500 STEEM being worth $45000 in January.

It's been a roller-coaster year, emotionally and Steem-wise, but I'm still here, working away for the potential of a more secure and settled future. Who know's what 2019 has in store.


Achieved: Shit-loads of sunshine and 0 hours behind someone else's desk

Failed: Didn't cash enough STEEM out in January to carry these 0 hours through 2019

Achieved: More friends and hugs from new nationalities

Failed: Relationship number 763

Achieved: 40 (OK 41) trips round the sun

Failed: Didn't keep the '6 pack at 40' (abs not beer) promise I made to myself - next year!

Enter this contest yo! There is STEEM up for grabs and some selfless accounts are watching the tags.




Happy Birthday mate! Just to clear any confusion, the dumpster diving will be done with @celestal, when you are with us, we will make you dumpster quality food fresh.

haha :D

Yeah I kept it vague to throw you and Eve under the dumpster. Good to know you at least plan to wash the food.

Thank you!

My pleasure.

'Failed: Didn't keep the '6 pack at 40' (abs not beer) promise I made to myself - next year!'

Problem can be solved easily amigo.


Congrats man, and CHEERS!

😂 😂 😂 😂


A good effort here too but those guys are winning!

Cheers buddy!

Love seeing the personal stuff brother. It can be hard to throw it out there at times but I think being honest with oneself is important. 2018 was a rough year for a bunch of folks and while you have endured some hardships, there also seem to be a ton of great new moments and memories created.

I for one am grateful to have made it out there to Poland with you guys. Was one of my favorite moments in recent years and due to that, I am happy to have you amongst others as someone I call a friend.

Life will always throw obstacles in the way and just when you think you have it all figured realize you could not have been more wrong. But there are amazing moments to cherish. Your daughter for starters. I hope you guys have a blast on your trip out and she helps you figure out what the next chapter holds for you.

Happy Bitthday brother. Wish I could buy ya a pint today but it’ll have to wait until Steem rises again and we all meet up in a foreign land again. You’ve obtained level 40 and are owning it!!


Thanks man, sweet message :)

I guess every year has ups and downs, no different this time around - just in new locations, different people, etc.

Poland was pretty epic, lots of laughs and now friends in cities and countries to drop by if you are in the area. That's a beautiful thing for sure.

I hope you guys have a blast on your trip out and she helps you figure out what the next chapter holds for you.

She might just do that. I'm looking over there, and seeing her could well make that looking even more focused.

Thanks for the virtual (calorie free) pint, I see you are helping me work towards that 6 pack at 41. Cheers!

Yeah come to think of it, I can’t think of a year in recent momory where it was a “smooth sailing” 365. Each one has had its major highs and lows. I guess that happens as we age. It’s probably always been this way but when we are younger, we don’t have as many responsibilities and we don’t notice the hardships as much. I dunno...

I have up on the 6 pk ages ago. They left shortly after high school for me and never returned. Their slow retarded cousin, the party Ball has taken up permanent residency.


Hmm...the writeup about Sylvia sounded kinda bittersweet, not sure if it's just me projecting my thoughts into it, or it really was...

We fought a lot, smiled for the camera, and tried to balance work and play

I really believe this is the case for sooo many people..But hey, you had for sure some well-spent time together! And trip covered by SBD! Good job :)

Btw I wouldnt say you're 40. 35 max. Can't wait for your update about meeting the daughter. u've been pretty vocal about it lately..At this point I just scrolled down to check the rest of the post real quick :D

Loved the TLDR version haha :D Especially the 0 hours part :D

Edit: Btw I bet your parents are going craaazy about not being married and currently single again right? Im freaking 26 and they won't shut up about the same thing :D

Yeah bittersweet, i would go with that. Or sweetbitter, that's usually the order of proceedings.

I like your honesty, I'm better with bullet points for the most part too :)

Actually, my mother isn't pushy at all. She may have been in my 20's but certainly isn't now. I think she understands that I haven't really got a clue what I'm doing still, and is just leaving me to it :)

26.... I was 26 when my daughter was born - get on with it man! :P

:DD and I thought Steemit is my escape from this topic :DD

Hah sweetbitter is a good point, I'm wondering why isn't that word used in that form indeed.

and I thought Steemit is my escape from this topic

Not anymore it isn't! :D

Maybe it's bittersweet and not the other way around to end on a positive?

Plus, this song would sound a bit weird...

But bittersweet stuff usually doesn't end positive or? It's sweet cuz it was cool and it's bitter cuz something went bad. If stuff is supposed to end on positive note, why would it end in the first place? :D

Haha man, I'm 26, for me it sounds a bit weird either way :D My 18year old sis @zzuzza (not active) likes such stuff tho. I'm exactly the generation when this was considered boring and "old" (srry :D)...but my sis is all about 80s and 90s. All her friends actually. Buying freaking LPs and gramphones and stuff :D We laugh that she's hipster indie generation and I'm Eminem generation :D

If stuff is supposed to end on positive note, why would it end in the first place? :D

You have me there, but all good things are said to have to come to an end, hmmm.

Game on for your sis with the great taste in music!

Happy birthday, old man!

asher old guy.png

Did you add grey to my hair?! FUCKK hahahaha

You are an awesome presence on the STEEM blockchain, and it's nicer here for all that you do! It was great learning a bit more about you in this post! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 😊


awwww :) What a kind thing to say!

Thank you very much!

Well happy birthday mate!
I can trust you that all birthdays after 40 don’t hurt no more 😀
Enjoy the quality time with your daughter. I hope that you can strenghten up the relation between the 2 of you!
And maybe relationship 764 is the real deal!

Thank you Peter!

40 the last painful one? I'll hold you to that :)

I hope that you can strenghten up the relation between the 2 of you!

Thank you!

Happy Birthday Asher!! From this side, you've done very well. Yeah we all have ups and downs, some of us more down than up LOL.

Personal opinion screw those that cannot support your decisions. Such as moving away from the UK. I've been through being separated from my children. I am sure you contact her frequently. Sometimes you just need to do you.

As for being 40 pfft no biggie. 30 didn't bother me, 40 didn't bother me, 50...I think I'm having some issues with. My life is more than half over and all I have to show is 2 amazing kids that I missed half their lives. So I've been hit with the whole 'failure' thing and trying to get that out of my head.

Thank you!

Yes you are right, and speaking from experience too I see. Sometimes, and I'm thinking back to the darkest moments, there is no other choice but to 'do you'.

I understand where you are coming from, even though my girl isn't as old I think. Are you in contact? Are there possible changes you could make to have them back in your life a bit more?

Happy birthday buddy.

A six pack at that age turns into a keg. Just watch out for Dunlap syndrome

Thank you :)

turns into a keg? Well in that case, I'll just accept it and take a sip then. Cheers!

Well.. don't mind the 40, Happy 21st! Boy will always be boy😉 congratulations! Though there's a say "life begin at forty", you are the one who decide to live and let die😃 wish you all the best and many happy returns.

Btw.. your daughter is pretty and she has your colour😉. Heeyy.. 6 packs is something that you got when you reach Silver 1 it's not sexy anymore... One pack is good for a new baby, you know and Now I know why you are so kind, your birthday also celebrated as International Human Rights day

Who are you calling boy? I'm old and distinguished and have the grey hair to prove it! :D :D

and Now I know why you are so kind, your birthday also celebrated as International Human Rights day

Is that true? I didn't know that.

Thank you @cicisaja!

Grey hair is a new trend amongs the teens here 😂😂😂 and you have it naturally.. so, you're not that old

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