"SEC S9W3: "The Diary of a Worker"


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The Diary of A Worker (May 4, 2023)

May 1st is celebrated all over the world as Labour Day. On this day, the greatness of labour is appreciated and tribute is paid to them for their hard work day and night. But still labours are not getting qual rights in ur country. So question arises , why should we celebrate this day, if we can't help them out ...RIP Humanity....


A Cup of tea always boost me up. This picture is taken by me.

I wake up 5 : 30 am in the morning after prayer, cook breakfast for my family, then prepare for university by doing some housework. Here is my breakfast. Because my mother can't prepare breakfast for us because she is working lady. After my father, all the responsibilities are on the head of my mother. Then I prepared myself for University. It's almost 8 :00 am in the morning. My Carry uncle was waiting for me in front of my house. There are 3 credit hours for Master Program. I have mentioned in my earlier post that I'm a student of Master at UOS. So I have to attend 4 semesters. And the lectures are 5 in a day. Lecture of fiction is attended by Mam Sumaira , she is from Lahore. And she is the best teacher of Fiction. In the class we do some activities of English as a foreign Language class.
Because English is not our first language so we have to learn this language. That's why we can say it's our first or foreign language.

I packed my bag , put some books in my bag and I was ready to go. When I reached university there are 5 to 10 minutes are left while starting my lectures. All the professors were in staff room.


University of Sargodha , a place that left me up from zero to maximum. Picture captured by me.

When I entered in the class , my professor was in the class room and watching on the tik tik tik... ⌚ Because sir has allowed us that students can come in class just 5 minutes late. After that students are not allowed to enter in the class. Fortunately, I entered in the class on exact time. I asked for permission to sir. And he said , "Have a Seat , Please.".


Attending an meeting in Auditorium of Sargodha University.

Then we were sent to auditorium of Noon Bussiness school where we attend a session for one an hour because we have to come back that's why we left the session. We came back. I sat in the girls ground of uni. Where I ordered a box of Biryani from "Duhan n Dukhan". My cousin took me a box of Biryani and water bottle for me. I cherished the spicy biryani . It was so Delecious and spicy. After that we spent most of the time with my friends in which we have discussed about today discussion in class. And some assignments tasks that we are assigned to do for next week. And we have also discussed about our future. After masters what will we do . Or which field is best for us. I told her that I'm safe because I'm a contest writer or Blogger on Steemit. If I work hard then can flourish my future in Steemit.
Then it's time to go back. I received some calls from my family about the health issues of my grandmother. I say good bye to my friends.


A special Biryani of Duhan n Dukhan from food street of Sargodha.

Then I received a call of my family and I was informed that I have to go to hospital Mubarak Medical Complex where my grandmother is admit. So I took a Rikshaw and went to hospital. When I reached she was admit. But there was no one who can care her. Because my grandmother has no daughter. She has only two son. One of them was my father who is no longer with us. May his soul rest in peace 🕊️ Ameen. And other was my uncle who informed me to come in next 20 minutes.


Family time is always quality time.

One thing that was popping in my mind that if my grandmother has a daughter then at this time her daughter will take care of her. Her daughter will do everything for her mother....Alas....she has no daughter. At the spot I was smiling and saying Alhumdolillah for everything because God has chosen me for take care of her when she has no daughter. I realized her that I'm here daughter. And I do my best in take care of her. And after 3 days we were discharged from hospital safe and sound. Those parents are blessed who have a daughter Because daughter can look after her parents when they are growing old and old. Alhumdolillah that I'm a good daughter. But unfortunately we lost our father. It's our fate the he is no longer with us. But at the same time we are thankful to Allah Almighty that our mother is alive..

When I reached home then I took a rest for a while then I spent my most of my time on Steemit platform. Because I'm not doing any part time job. Steemit is my future because I invest my most of time on Steemit. Hopefully I will achieve all my goals and dreams that I have with Steemit. A big thanks to Steemit Team who has given me this opportunity... ♥️

Now , I'm going to divide my time as a blogger. Because time management is always good strategy for Growth.

Hind Whale CommunityWorking as a Mod30 minutes a dayEngaging and reviews
CSS CommunityMOD30 minutesEngaging and contest organizer
Steem for PakMOD1 hourReviews and Engagement
@steemitblogActive user15 to 20 minutesUpdates
@disconnectActive User10 minutesActive Contest
Post publishingBlogger1 or 2 hoursparticipation in Week 3
Newcomer's Communityactive user20 to 25 minuteshelping newbies

Then I checked my rank from Steem seven Tool. Because I'm Engaging all user's through their posts. And I'm actively participating in my Season 9 Week 3. I want to be winner of this week.


Check it my Engagement after one or two hours I will be on top.

That's why I'm regularly visit all 7 communities for commenting. At this time my rank is 6. But no worries today after publishing my post i will visit all the communities and I will be in the top of list. I'm next post I will share my Engagement as well. Because it's the start of morning in Pakistan. And I'm free today. There is only one task for me that is Steemit. I will surely increase my Engagement and participation. After publishing this post my rank will increase because every single posts get 2 pints and comment get 1 point.


Screenshot is taken from my own account.


Reading is always a good habit. If we are good writer it's mean we are automatically a good writer.

The more we read , the more we write. One of my favorite hobby is reading. I love reading. O read general knowledge books,newspapers and magazines. From next week I'm going to start my preparation of special exam like PPSC, PMS or CSS so I will work on mother effective and productive strategy. So I can manage and utilize my time productively. After that I helped me mother in kitchen for dinner. I served dinner to my brother. After that I still open my steemit and checked all the notifications and reply them back. Then I checked Discord and where I got message of stef1 in Booming channel. Being a Mod it's necessary to know what is ongoing on other's communities. Here I owned down my diary as a worker. So now you can imagine how a busy and hectic day that a worker (Myself ) spent. Anyways it's a good day because I do my all chores and tasks with my full zeal and zest. No matter how busy and hectic it was ! But I enjoyed my duties and I'm always committed to my jobs. Have a good day !

This is my participation in the Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 at Recreative Community. Now , I would like to invite my friends to participate in this Steemit Engagement Challenge, @patjewell, @o1eh, @nahela , @josepha , @m-fdo, @faran-nabeel , @pea07 @suboohi , @irawandedy and @vivigibelis .

Thank you very much also for supporting me at every opportunity

With Best Regards
Aalia Rubab

In a world where chaos can sometimes feel overwhelming, I find solace in knowing that I can always come back to this space and connect with like-minded souls. Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Have A Nice Day


 last year 

This is a busy activity, you have done many things to fill the day positively.

Your interaction on the platform is not in doubt and it can be seen from the number of comments you have made in the last 4 days

Yes , we have to work hard for the best survival of our upcoming Generation. Because it's not time to take rest it's time of struggling.

Thank you my dear for your appreciation yes , I have made almost 70 comments in last 4 days. Still I'm ready to increase my commented from 70 to 140. Thank you for your support.

It's Labor Day indeed must be celebrated every year so that the government knows about the sacrifices of jobs that exist in our respective countries so that they are not underestimated, workers are a state asset that cannot be

Yes , definately labour force of every country or nation is a asset and backbone for the growth of that country. Thank you very much for your supportive word.

You're welcome friends

You really enjoyed a beautiful day. He started the day by praying at the beginning of the day, it is a very good thing. Also, a cup of tea in the morning is really wonderful weather.

Spent an incredibly beautiful moment at the university function held on Labor Day. The fun of chatting with friends and eating biryani. Seeing biryani makes me feel a little bit more, because I am a biryani lover.

I am also sorry to hear about your grandmother's illness, anyone who is sick is sorry. But it's nice to know you're around to serve him. Allah Ta'ala said, if you want to serve Me in this world, then serve a sick person. Anyway, may Allah Ta'ala wish your grandmother good health, Ameen. goodwill stay

Alhumdolillah I enjoyed a lot. Every day is starting with the essings of Allah Almighty. Wow it's good to know you are biryani lover hahhaa. So it's your weekness brother. Hahhaha

Alhumdolillah Alhumdolillah now she is fine. Jazak Allah for your kind words. Alhumdolillah for everything.

Yes it's not just my week but your week too, because biryani you too have eaten ha ha ha ha. 😂😂

Great Posts are always expected of you. One of the best and quality daily dairy. Everything explained quite brief and systematic. You always glorify your post with nice words and markdown. Feel so cool reading your post.
Wish you best of luck Ahead. Do Carry on your career here

Thank you very much for your kind words. It's good that you have visited my post. Hopefully Soo you will take part in these contests.

You are welcome dear 😊
Is it a contest should I participate in?

Yes you can participate in this contest.

If you want the support of Steemit team then set 25 percent beneficiary to @null and use tag #burnsteem25 .

I have only to use #burnsteem25 then I will be become there part?

Nope....it's not mandatory...but I just give you advice.... Now it's your choice.


I like the activities that you engaged yourself with during the day. Attending a business lecture and others are great way of improving yourself. I wish you best of luck.

Thank you very much my dear friend for your lovely comment.

Hello sister, You have presented to us some of the activities of a busy day where you wake up in the morning, have a light breakfast, leave for the university with a bag and some books, and you reach the university and find that the lecture has already started 5 minutes ago. Then you spend time there. Eating biryani at noon, spending some time with sick grandmother and time based activities on steemit platform were all praiseworthy. I appreciate your presentation.

Ahhhh ..thank you ! Thank you! Thank you my dear brother for your beautiful comment 💞. Good to see your comment here.

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @josepha, member of team #2 at 50%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 07/05/2023


Thank you very much dear friend 💖.

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