
It was so cute seeing him spinning in the rain, my niece doesn't leave her phone or the tablet/PC, you feel like you are pulling teeth everytime you ask her to come outside so I know what you mean, I hope he stays enjoying the outdoors.

It's not that mine don't enjoy the outdoors (well pixie doesn't like outdoorsy things like hiking and is not big on camping either, glamping is probably okay, she does like swimming, climbing trees and playing on grass though so I'm counting the small victories ;D), it's just that they prefer to stay on their phones/tablets/PCs [insert eyeroll here] XD

Oh my goodness spinning in the rain that is the most adorable mental image, would have been much better in real life XD

haha I think I would be up for glamping as well lol, my dad was in the army, so when we went he took all the army set up gear and it was like glamping except for my tiny tent lol... It's a challenge to get them off the technology and outdoors, I don't envy you and hope we have some luck but I doubt it as its a bit of a losing battle lol...

Don't fight the technology, embrace it! It's how you will find all the cool places to go and how to get there and how you'll keep him preoccupied on the road trip when I spy and checking out the scenery gets boring :D (I don't know why people would get bored with the scenery, the colour changes alone are fascinating, but people are weird ;D)

We use it a lot and are not so much against it but more use it as a last resort so it works for the worst of the tantrums lol.. I love the geocaching app, we find heaps of wonderful places to hike through that app.

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