Gratitude Day 1: I'm Thankful for the Hearts of Malaysians

Hello Steemians!

In the light of the first day of the month of June (my birthday month) and also the lights of the New Malaysia, moreover being reminded by @alvinauh twice (according to GINA bot) of this challenge, I have decided to take on this to see if I can actually keep up. Which can be hard simply because this is a blockchain and it will stay forever as long as Internet and #Steem witnesses kept it alive. haha.

So how should I begin? It seems to mention about what I am thankful TODAY, and so I shall share something that truly warmed my heart when I saw the YouTube in suggestions.


Image is re-made using GIF from google search and Moment Cam, plus incorporating my avatar face in it

I am truly grateful for the people of Malaysia (citizens, PR, expats, workers)

Why would I choose this? It's because of the headlines below:

Guan Eng: Tabung Harapan Malaysia has collected RM7mil in 24 hours (updated)

headlines from The Star Online Malaysia

First, for those who are anti-government and self proclaim Anarcho-capitalists can please refrain and agree to disagree . Malaysia is not a perfect country, and it is very obvious that its ruling predecessors is not perfect at all; but I am truly thankful for a new born, rather dump founded but humbled present new government ministers who instead like other socialism countries / central banking controlled (as per say) countries, it did not freeze the banks from its people when things are in its roughest time.

Instead, this group of the head of ministers and leaders have decided to be blunt, stripped , and truthful for once instead of being tactful, presented the Prime Minister and the entire country the ugly truth , and how bad the situation the country is in, especially financially, and let the nation decide.

I am also thankful because of such blunt honesty, and the heart of every person who stays in Malaysia (well, majority) for being able to swallow the red pill and yet at the same time had compassion and forgiveness, towards our current Prime Minister, who used to rule for 21 years before, but made mistakes along the way, and humbly admitted what he has done.

This is something that I think the world is lacking, and I am really thankful to see that humanity still exist in Malaysia.

Not only that, when the Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, former Chief Minister of the Island of Penang (the Pearl of the Orient that was once nicknamed) came up and humbly seek help from the nation of Malaysia by running a fund raising drive Tabung Harapan Malaysia (Hope of Malaysia Fund), the people responded positively.

Though there were nay sayers (the supporters of the past government party) and accused the new government many things; even with "opportunists" who decided to create a fake account to lure citizens to donate at the wrong account, 7 million MYR were accumulated within 24 hours.

That proves humans are kindhearted in their bones and blood. If you are trying to convince me that we are created by the big bag and everything was randomly formed, including us, then I will not be able to swallow it because the heart of LOVE to me could not be randomly accidentally created by chance . And yes, I will still bank on that there IS a designer for all this, as precise as the condition of the heart.

And this also proves that things can still be solved without totalitarianism, force, riots and bloodshed.

Today, as I saw the headlines... Love scored 1 point, and evil scored 0.

I am not saying in the future Malaysia would still stay in this harmonious environment, no one can predict the future; but at this moment, as of 1 June, 2018. Malaysia has hope. Malaysia has love.

So that's my Thankful for the day

So now... the nominations...

For this challenge, I will nominate @wilhb81, @ana-maria and @dxn.

What are the rules of this challenge?

Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)

Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated

Mention three people who should do this on each day.

Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
(Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.)
Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible).

Thank you @alvinauh for nominating me! You can find the original challenge post here:
"7 Day Positivity Challenge" by @conradt

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this sharing as much as I have enjoyed preparing it.

Until then

Thank You for Your Time


I have been nominated by @alvinauh too... But I haven't started writing this yet... Need to finish my 50 days freewrite selfie contest...

hahaha... Hm... I guess you cannot kill 2 birds with one stone.... freewrite might not allow it yes?

@littlenewthings Can... I always 2 in 1 or 3 in 1 with freewrite... but to have this everyday for one week, maybe a bit challenging loh

@littlenewthings woah, I was surprised that you've nominated me here, absolutely shocked about it lol

A question here - do I need to start immediately, or I can pick a day to start off?

Thanks for the nomination sis :D

hey @wilhb81 , I think you can start anytime; but once you start you should not miss a day. I have been so swamp yesterday and so tired after I came home plus the whole day meeting I have missed out day 3 haha.

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