
Ohhhh, sounds like you partner dance, do you?

I swing! :D

I swing at Taman Desa on Fridays and occasionally at Kelana Jaya on Tuesdays. :)

Heheh, yes, when we're both sorted out! >P<

Oooh, I haven't heard of these swing dance places. I wanna check them out one of these days.

Actually, partner dance befuddles me. I do want to learn though. I've been to one swing session as Sid's bangsar. Apart from that I had two other very awkward partner dances in my entire life.

I've been meaning to try out more partner work to help break through my awkwardness.

Maybe something to work towards for the end of this year ;)

Ahhh, I see! Sid's had less fun intro classes. It has since moved out to Kelana's Twenty TwentyTwo (2022) with a great revamp! :D

But Taman Desa's New Star Studio is great for absolute beginners, and I still join their intro taster classes >P<

When you're up for some, hit me up! and I'll help with the tricky parts of the logistics and dance! :P

Oh cool! Thank you for the low down there.

Will definitely take you up on the offer. Thank you.

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