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RE: Day 4: I Am Grateful For Opportunities

howdy from Texas @glenbrethsen I really enjoyed your post, so many of us have gone through this situation of having to start our careers over or go back to school and man does that take discipline! You say that you don't regret going back to school, what field of study did you pursue and are you able to use any of that knowledge on Steemit or are you doing something else which utilizes it?


I got an Associates of Applied Science degree in Social Media Marketing. :) So, yeah, I have been using that knowledge here on Steemit. There's probably a lot more I could be using, too, but it's not necessarily time for that yet.

Mostly, though, I've been employing my love for writing, my acquired knowledge of Steemit, life experiences, and 15 years as very small weekly newspaper publisher.

I clarify, I think going back to school and earning the equivalent of a Bachelor's in less time and for considerably less money will prove to be a good thing. However, the time spent apart from my wife was not good. That's what I would warn against, if I could.

How are things in the great state of Texas?

thanks for the explanation. No I wouldn't try to spend that much time away from my wife but ya'll were dedicated and did what you thought was necessary because of limited or no options.

what is the newspaper about, is this an actual paper newspaper printed in ink about your local town? I love those things.

Well Texas is booming, the most insane growth everywhere in the state basically. over 1,000 people per day are moving here. I'm not a big fan of that because the Western culture is being very diluted as well as the conservative values.

But it's crazy in growth, all the major corporations of the world are moving here, traffic is insane when you get anywhere close to a suburb, the quaint little small towns are now turning into cities and there are huge condo developments everywhere with hundreds of homes as far as the eye can see!

so, great economic growth but what that looks like in the end I don't know.
Are you Mormon?
thank you sir for your time and information, I very much look forward to being at least a small part of one of the leagues.

I've heard that there are a lot of people moving into Texas from states that are much more liberal or progressive and that these new move ins are trying to adapt Texas into the same states they're leaving. It's amazing how there's this disconnect.

I've been to Texas four times to look at different places. This was all before this new migration started. There was plenty of traffic then. Of course, I live in a small town and don't venture too far afield, so any traffic is going to seem a lot to me. :)

It's going to be okay for the economy, which might make people okay with the politics for a time, but in the end, unless the traditional Texas values can be reasserted, integrated with these new folks, Texas won't be Texas anymore.

That's an interesting question, you ask. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and people do call us Mormons. Going to BYU for a year and then returning to school in Salt Lake are probably big giveaways, right? :)

Well, welcome to the leagues! I don't know if there is a small part, if you're out engaging folks on the blockchain. Every bit is needed. :)

thanks for your thoughts on Texas which are right on, in a way it may be a tragedy in the lose the Texas culture which is so unique and yeah the libs from CA are working hard, already have taken over the big cities.
The Texans in rural areas like where I am and the ones in Dallas for instance have very few things in common!

Whoa, people do call you Mormons...what do YOU call you?
I thought members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints(man that's a big label) were called Mormons. I apologize for mis-speaking.

yes I assumed because of BYU.
bytheway I thought Mitt was a wonderful candidate and was so wanting him to win. but now he will at least be a great Senator?

You really think that a person can make a great living doing this crazy stuff on Steemit? What if in a few years Steem goes away or becomes worthless? these are the questions my wife and I ask ourselves because I'm spending too much time here.

That's pretty much what it is here. Oregon would be much less liberal if the rural areas had any chance over Portland, Salem and Eugene.

No need for apologies at all. You had it right. We are called Mormons, we're just not usually the ones doing it. :)

I usually say what I said. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Or I might say I'm LDS (a latter-day saint). I think most members really don't mind being called Mormons, and that's what most people know us by.

2008 Mitt Romney was a much better candidate, in my mind, then 2012 MItt Romney became, even before the whole CNN debate debacle, where the moderator lady basically saved President Obama. After that, it felt like he gave up to try to win, or something.

If he wins, which he probably will, given it's Utah, I don't know how long he'll be there. He's already 71, and his wife has her ailments. So, who knows. Maybe he serves two terms. It will depend a lot on what's going on and what he's asked to do and which Mitt shows up to vote. :)

Some people are making a decent living from Steemit, but they've been here for nearly all of the past two years, have delegations or higher SP upvoting what they do, and they either live in countries with a low cost of living, or live on the cheap through traveling because they're single and don't have family to take care of.

As it is, though, Steemit isn't meant so much to be something you live on right away, anyway. It's much more of an investment platform, where your investment can be your time, with which you try to earn something from the reward pool through posting, commenting and curation. If you have some money to throw in, well, that's supposed to help, but most don't and would need to make that kind of decision on their own, knowing that STEEM could be worthless at some point.

As things are now, the STEEM blockchain has way too much going for it, despite any faults real or perceived that Steemit and the other apps have, to become worthless in and of itself. Way too many other crypto coins will fall before that. However, that doesn't mean governments won't start monkeying around with more laws that will make crypto undesirable, or something else that will come along and make STEEM look bad.

So, just like anything else, there is plenty of risk involved. My wife is pretty much of the same mind as far as the time I spend here, too, so that's a natural concern. I wish I knew how better to answer, but since we're talking future things, who can predict. :) Not me.

thank you sir for all your help and honest answers, it's been a real pleasure learning about you and from you! God bless.

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