7 Day Positivity Challenge - Day One - Close Friends - Enjoy with Troy!

in #7daypositivitychallenge6 years ago (edited)

An Attitude of Gratitude to God

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?


I was introduced to this challenge by @creatr.

Day One



Jeff Hofer

Today I wish to express my gratitude and love for a dear friend of mine. Jeff Hofer has been my friend through thick and thin. Since I was 16 he has been there during my darkest hour. He is a Christian and through him I have learned much about friendship, life and God. I truly believe God was watching over me when He introduced him into my world. Jeff understands gratitude and always helps to make other people's lives better. He was there for me in the passing of my Grandmother and my late sweetheart, Marcia. He has also been there when I truly needed help.

He and his wife, Shelley, operate Hampton Hardware in Hampton, Iowa. They have 6 grown children and many grandchildren. God has richly blessed him and he in return has blessed others. Those are the folks you learn from. Shelley has been unable to work for years after being injured in a car accident. She suffers daily with physical pain and has had countless surgeries. However that has not defused the love they have for others or God. They pray together and have a daily morning devotional together. Even in public they hold hands with whoever they are with and express a spoken prayer before eating. You will find no bitterness here.

Through him I can feel the presence of God in my life.

If others were half as kind as he is, the world would be a better place.

Hofer 7 2017.jpg

Thank you Lord for the blessing of my dear friend Jeff Hofer. Thank you for watching out for me early on that I would have someone who was there for me though the troubled times. This is one of many blessings for which I am truly grateful. May others out there be blessed with dear and loving friends. Amen.

My nominees for this challenge are:

@enjoywithtroy, @snowpea, @creatr

The rules:

Write a post about something you have to be postive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the oppurtunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)

Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated

Mention three people who should do this on each day.

Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post

Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.

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Feel free to comment upvote or resteem.


I thank Jesus along with you that you have such a faithful friend!



What a beautiful picture of the hofer family. I met Jeff and Shelly first before Rick. They moved to town when my daughter Ariel started preschool, she’s 26 now. Nicole was in her class, and soon they became very close friends. We got to know each other through school functions, and also they would come into the pharmacy from time to time. The first time I ever met Shelly, We had talked for quite awhile after a pre- school valentines party at the school. Before we parted, she confessed she loved me, I’ll never forget it, it took me by surprise. I had never had a female acquaintance say that to me ever, and it’s very hard to shock me, but I was speechless! The thing was she meant it! Something I said made her fall in love with me instantly. I found out awhile latter, that that’s just her. We are very close to this big family, and every time we get together we talk about how we were meant to be together, because we’ve been through a lot together. The hofers have helped me see Jesus, because they look and act like Jesus! They have tremendous faith in God, more than any couple that I have ever know besides Rick and I, and they have been tested deeply through pain, and long suffering many times. Shelly is still going through so much pain, but she has tremendous faith through it all. I admire this beloved family incredibly. Thank you so much for being thankful for them in your life, God has blessed us both friend. There’s so many people in the world that have know one❣️Blessings @enjoywithtroy

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