Gratitude Challenge 6: The Simple Pleasures

Gratitude can come in all shapes and sizes. When we express gratitude it doesn't always have to be for the most monumental components of our life. Sometimes the simple things can bring us joy too. Perhaps there was no line at the grocery store and you were able check out in record time, or the movie you've been keeping an eye on finally went on sale. Taking the time to appreciate the little things makes the big things that much more special.

By committing to the 7 Day Positivity Challenge that @mariannewest kindly invited me to, I have had to sit down and really identify all these wonderful things I have been taking for granted. This world has become so filled with hatred that we can easily get swept away in negativity. Let's start a shift together and start sharing our blessings instead.

CoffeePhoto by karl chor on Unsplash

I don't know about you, but I have a very specific routine when I get out of bed. Creating it didn't come easy, but when I finally found my rhythm my life began to feel a whole lot less stressful. I've found that, especially when you're dealing with children, having a predictable and orderly schedule is a life saver.

I am grateful for coffee.

I've discovered that certain finger foods mean I get a little bit of a break at meal time. My kiddos still tend to wake up through the night more often than not so come 6:15 a.m. I am just not eager to roll out of bed. At 11 months, I still need to coordinate the messier aspects of mealtime, like yogurt. However, cut up grapes, oranges, and berries can occupy these hungry hands long enough for me to take a breath and shake off the drowsiness.

While some moms opt to fill their kids trays with every bit of breakfast so they can go to town, I prefer to pace them for my own sanity. If I save the finger food for last, I can kick my feet up and sip on that delicious hot brew while they entertain themselves for a few moments. When that aroma hits my nose I can feel my shoulders begin to relax. As that creamy, hot brew passes through my lips I take a moment to swirl it around my mouth and really enjoy the flavour. I am tired, but I have coffee and I can make it through the day.

Not only does this magic brew give me the ability to function through the day, it's what I share with friends over good conversation, it's how Matt and I unwind together on a long drive, and it's how we're able to put our noses to the grindstone in the evenings to keep our Steem blog running. Truthfully, we probably drink way more coffee than we should, no... I take it back, you can never have too much coffee.

You've Been Nominated


The rules:

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.

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coffee is not good for us stomach acid, but I like coffee, he he he ,,
after completing the challenge of 7 days write a positive thing is there a winner? I just want to know his results only,

Oh, I really enjoy coffee. I think I'd be really sad if it upset my stomach and I had to quit drinking it.

The prize for the 7 Day Positivity Challenge is recognizing everything we have to be grateful for in our lives and making the world a better place by showing gratitude. The challenge is more about spreading positivity than anything else. -Aimee

I have a problem with coffee, I love coffee, but every coffee drink his stomach bloated, it feels really uncomfortable

Oh no! That sounds awful. Does this even happen with black coffee? Could it be something you're adding to your coffee? -Ainee

I'm so sorry I just saw this tag!! I've been a bit busy!! I'll have to get my thinking cap on, but I'm good at gratitude and positivity!! 7 days is a mission, I might rack up a few first before i start the 7 days or I wont have time to do them - and we're away this weekend! It's funny as I was literally thinking of all the awesome things I have to be particularly thankful all week, the relationship with my Dad in particular. I wont start with that though first as that'll plumb some emotional depths and I'm not ready quite for that. I've just read all your amazing posts - you are a great writer and I love everything you've said - hopefully i'll get around to commenting on them in more detail. But YEAHHHHH - COFFEE!!!

Thank you so much for the kind words. I am glad you're planning to join in the challenge, sounds like perfect timing. I hold no expectations for if or how people join in. We all seem to have very full task loads these days, so do what you can and what feels right for you. But if you do start posting, be sure to tag me so I can drop by. Cheers, Aimee

I get this even though I cannot stand the taste of coffee! I'm also a caffeine junkie, my preferred method is sweet tea.

I used to prefer tea too but somehow I developed a taste for coffee. I think the quality of the bean matters for flavor too. -Aimee

LOL, I think I remember writing it somewhere about me preferring to smell coffee than roses.

We like our morning coffee, I can drink it black or with milk (no sugar). On chilly days we'll have a pot brewing after dinner.

I'm still breastfeeding but I don't worry about having coffee, I don't drink it like water :)

You and me both! Coffee and cream, all day long. I cut it out for a brief period of time to see if it affected the twins sleep and it didn't those were sad, tired days. Ha ha ha! -Aimee

Hahaha I think our bodies filter it enough that it doesn't bother them. I did try to cut it for a short period but nah, baby #4 is still wide awake at unholy hours. I also read somewhere that a little caffeine doesn't hurt them but helps in the long run.

We'll get to the day when we can sleep through the night again. And maybe not wake up for a peepee accident. LOL we did at 2am this morning.

Right? What is with the waking at unholy hours? Or, it's like they know when you've stayed up too late and just as you're slipping under the covers BAM they're awake.

You're right, the days of sleep will come. Some nights are hard, but others are sweet when you can tell they're just looking for mama snuggles. This morning little H was up so early and there was no getting him back to sleep. I tried snuggling him in our bed but he was just ready to play. Once he realized Matt was in the bed too he tackled him! He loves his Dada. -Aimee

Lol, sneaky ninja powers is what we need for those moment. I can't put the baby down unless she's really zonked. But the mornings are really tough when I need to slip out and have a quiet time.

Aw, that's sweet. When they're awake they're awake. And tackle time is fun. Oh wait, tackle or tickle?😂

Mmm... That coffee looks so good and fancy! -Aimee

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