#7daypositivitychallenge Day 1...Options, Choices, Freedom


I am excited to freewrite about something I am positive about. I've been nominated by @holisticmom for the #7daypositivitychallenge.

Options, Choices, Freedom.

It is a hot and muggy day today at the homestead, the obvious choice after writing this post will be to go to the river!

I am filled today with Love and Stuff. Grateful and feeling positive and solidly grounded.

I am a gal about to make a big choice for my life. That I have options is a blessing. That I am in a place to freely choose between the two options speaks to me of homestead success.

That's what I will try to write about here today.... But it's a freewrite... So who knows?!?!?



Parenting three unschooled boys living in the country on a hobby homestead went smoother when I presented the boys with Choices.

Even as children we encouraged the boy's participation in in the plans that shaped their days.

Today I have a choice between two methods of energy conversion. Both allowing me a Cash in Hand outcome. Both allowing me to shine my special something and enjoy the efforts required.



I feel blessed to be choosing between two amazing opportunities. This alone is simply not something everyone has. I have worked hard to manage my life in a way to always have options. Yet some elements of life can limit our options despite doing everything to promote them.

In the last day, I have happened upon two posts from my Steemit circle where options are greatly reduced by factors outside of their control. I've wept with compassion of their individual situations and in knowledge that similar events could potentially happen anywhere, to any of us.



I have chosen a path for my life that maximizes freedom. I shed my outer skins like a snake as I grow within myself to begin to know what all true freedom entails. I have come to a grounded place. A place in my life where I am more balanced and secure than ever before.

Being part of a Homestead, a community is an amazing place to be in this moment. Having a group of people able and willing to accept either choice I make, to adapt to either new situation....well it really doesn't get any better... Unconditional support.

We have achieved a level of success on this homesteading path that makes us a mostly immune to chaos of change. Our ducks are lined up!

That's about all I have to say on this today. Honesty, my thoughts have veered off upon the next adventure.

So until next time... Get positive.

I was tagged by @holisticmom to:
Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)

Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.

Mention three people who should do this on each day.

Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)

Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.

Watch... I even have options, Choices and freedoms here...

I will write seven posts...as they fit into my plan, it won't be daily.

I will nominate one person each time.

I will turn this into a freewrite...

I will enjoy this and benefit in my daily life.

Today I nominate @watersnake101.

~all text and images are my own unless otherwise credited

Just a girl...
Living, Loving and Dancing her way to Wholeness with the help of a Mountaintop and a Purpose.

Follow the Adventure







Being comfortable in one's own skin is something to be proud of. To be able to be free to make choices is not something to be taken lightly. I think there is no better life than homesteading where you can be free to make choices and be self-sufficient. It is the best feeling to have the love and unconditional support of a community. So much to be positive and grateful for...

Our choices in life defines true happiness and freedom. Positivity challenge accepted as we need a lot of those these days.

Great first post! I love the fact that you are grateful for choices. And yes when you home ed children they need to have the freedom to choose what they wish to do for each day. I really enjoyed this 😊💖💖

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