Gratitude day 4 - 7 Dayposititivitychallange

in #7dayposititivitychallange6 years ago (edited)

This will be my fourth post since I was nominated by
@practicalthought . Yesterdays I forgot to nominate 3 people . So three people got lucky . LOL . OK let's jump into it .

Health , it not one of the things you think about when you are at 100% healthy or 25 years old . But when you have problems with your health it's a life changing experience . It's not something I discuss and a subject I avoid . But being that we can keep it between ourselves I will discuss it .

Some of you already know but most do not . I am 100% DAV (Disabled Vet) . The list of Diagnosis is long and distinguished . :) I will not get into the specifics . I spend at a minimum of one day a week at the hospital . On a good week . I have , I should say we have learned and are learning to live with it . I am doing better then some and worse than others .

I know so many that are worse than I . Some I would love to visit and have a face to face conversation with . They inspire me in so many ways . I understand and have gone and going through some of the same things that they are going through . I feel the pain , the hardships and the feeling of helplessness that they encounter . I understand it in a deep maner . I have seen death , participated in it and I can tell you that there is no dignity in it .

We will all die . No one can avoid it or exempt from it . It is a small part of who we are , Just a glimpse , a blink of the eye when we compare it to our life . Our life , how we lived it , how we loved and conducted yourself toward others . That is who you are , what you are . We can live forever in the heart and memories of those we leave behind .

By now you are wondering what this has to do with what I am grateful for . Let me tell you .

I have lived a good life . Not one without hardships . But a full life . A happy life that I got to share with family and friends . A life full of laughter and yes some tears . Are there things I wish I had done differently , of course . I am only human . Although I did fly through the air like Ironman . I don't remember hitting the ground but I did fly. LOL

My point to all of this when you look back did you have a good life . One that enriched others . Or one that you have enriched yourself at every opportunity . What will others say about you ? Will you be worth a conversation ? That's what it will all boil down to when that day comes . Then and only then will you have a little just a little dignity in those days to come if you did it right . I know many that did it right and I will keep them with me .

I am grateful for the opportunities that I have had. The good people that have crossed my path. For the life I have been given .

The rules are as follows:

Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, etc.

Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated

Mention three people who should do this on each day.

Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post

Include a picture of something positive.

Today I am nominating : because they inspire me 😊

@eveuncovered ( I know you are very busy , maybe one post )



I should let you know that her handle is @eveuncovered not @eveundercover XD

Thanks buddy . I can't tell you how many time I have messed her name up and it's so simple . If your friends can't yell at you who can :)

Haha, that would be a good handle too! 😝

Well, first off, thank you for your service! I love the way you look at life. Of course there are times that are hard and a true test to who we are. You have to live for those times that make you smile, the ones that make you laugh and most of all, the ones that make you LIVE! Great positive post! :)

It's wise to treat every moment as your last, "best" moment, then be grateful for the next...

Namaste, Jaichai

I don't think that we ever think in that manner , unless your in a burning building or such . It is a nice saying, one that has value , but never a thought in the present .
I understand you meaning and brought it to a deeper level . Thanks for your comment and engagement :)

It's my feeble way of describing mindfulness and living in the NOW.

Because it's ALWAYS NOW.

The PAST is just a NOW you remember and the FUTURE is just a NOW you envision.

Just saying...

Namaste, Jaichai

I understood what you meant and agree , I just took it way to deep LOL

You are strong @wolfhart , Upvote for you!

I hope your studies are going well .

Years, no Decades ago I lived near a Veterans' Home. I certainly hope things are better for Vets today than they were then.

I'm glad Steemit is here for you to communicate your feelings. I just may accept your challenge, Sir. Now to get my camera and my happy pics ready.

The condition are a little better . Government healthcare will never be as good as private .
Jump in there and go for it

It is inspiring that you maintain your dignity and appreciation through your tests. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your character as you explain what helps you maintain it.

Although I did fly through the air like Ironman . I don't remember hitting the ground but I did fly. LOL

It's always the ground that has to end the fun part. lol

yes it is . damn thing is hard and doesn't give
we used to say no one has ever died jumping out of a airplane . It's the sudden stop when you hit the ground .

Very happy to read your article Sir...i see you very friendly and like help other people

Thank you @feryza You are one of the good guys that inspire me you and your family

you are very kind to us who are still small, thank you so much for helping us

I would like to see you grow and prosper . Then you can help them that come behind you to do the same .
Power up when you can , make sure you vote for witnesses .
I saw your post in the #post-promotion tab I will get to it in a little bit :)

This is a beautiful post that is really thought provoking. You sound like such a strong person and your bravery to speak about something you typically don't really means a lot. You are one of the best people we have met on Steemit!

You too buddy . and I appreciate all the advice I have receive from you . you have kept me on the path more times then you will ever know . Your doing some monumental thing here . You and your better half .

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