Engadget Trending News

in #5tiwnc3ao5 years ago

Amazon cuts off three delivery companies publicly linked to deaths

"Amazon has cut ties with three delivery contractors that were recently implicated in multiple deaths by a joint BuzzFeed News and ProPublica investigation. According to state documents obtained by the two publications, those companies now plan to lay..."


iOS 13の「ファイル」機能が強化!zipファイルの圧縮&解凍ができます:iPhone Tips

" iOS 13では、「ファイル」機能が使いやすくなりました。なかでも目玉の新機能といえるのが、zipファイルの圧縮&解凍が可能になったこと。これまでは他社製のドキュメントアプリなどを使う必要がありましたが、iOS 13からは標準機能だけでファイルの中身をチェックできます。 それでは、ファイルの圧縮と解凍方法を紹介します。 %Slideshow-1072346%ファイルを圧縮する ファイルを圧縮するには、ファイルを選んで「圧縮」を選択するだけ。もちろん、複数のファイルを選択して圧縮することもできます。 ▲「ファ…"


Riot urges 'League of Legends' pros to keep quiet on 'sensitive' issues

" Riot is trying to keep its hands clean after Blizzard banned a pro player for supporting Hong Kong protests on-camera. The League of Legends developer's esports head John Needham has issued a statement saying that Riot has "reminded" pro players and hosts to …"



" 書き込み/書き換え可能なDVDメディアとしてDVD-R/RWとDVD+R/RWが登場し、どちらを選べばいいのか少々混乱していた時期に登場したのが「DRU-500A」。DVD-RAMを除くDVDメディアが扱えるとあって発売前から注目されていた製品です。この製品が発売されたのが、2002年の今日です。書き込み/書き換え型のDVDはDVDフォーラムによって規格が統一されたものの、それに不満を持つDVD+RWアライアンスは、新しい規格となるDVD+RWを投入しました。書き換え型なのに2.4倍速と高速だったことや、DVD-…"


eBay, Stripe and Mastercard pull out of Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency

" Stripe, eBay and Mastercard have followed PayPal in backing out of Facebook's cryptocurrency, Libra. They confirmed to the Financial Times that they would pull their support."


let me see if i'm working correctly

"Twitter user axi0mX revealed the bootrom exploit, dubbed checkm8, that makes it possible to jailbreak the devices. As The Verge explains, bootrom exploits take advantage of a vulnerability in the initial code that iOS devices load when they boot up."


Google, Reddit execs to speak at House hearing on internet moderation

" American politicians have been questioning whether internet companies should be held liable for the content they allow, and two of those companies will soon address those concerns directly. Two House subcommittees are holding a joint online content..."


The follow-up to 'Band of Brothers' is coming to Apple TV+

" Just one day after signing Alfonso Cuarón to a multi-year deal, Apple has scored another coup for its upcoming Apple TV+ streaming service. Variety reports the company will produce Masters of the Air, the follow-up to 2001's Band of Brothers and 2010's The Pa…"


The next 'Fortnite' season might finally include a new map

" Apex Legends, PUBG and other battle royale brawlers have added maps over time, but not Fortnite -- you've had to be content with revisions (if sometimes dramatic ones) to the existing layout. You might finally get something new in the near future, h..."


Bandai Namco discounts its Switch library until October 21st

" The holidays are nearly upon us. For some, that means a whole lot of traveling. Switch owners can stock up on cheap digital downloads during Bandai Namco's publisher sale to stay occupied during flights, long drives and restless nights in lumpy child..."



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