The Internet is No Longer Your Friend.

in #5g6 years ago (edited)

Wake up, gentlemen. What seems to be the most amazing advancement of humanity, may very well be turning into something like that scene out of the Matrix when Neo wakes up with a tube in his head.

As we follow the developments of several high-tech technologies such as Web 3.0, cryptocurrency and YouTube continually demonetizing channels, many people seem to cheer on the developments. We think "This has the power to save humanity", to which I say yes, but also bold no.

Because let's think about it, not in the context of the bigger picture, but in the context of your own life.

Let's answer a few questions:

  1. How many days has it been since you've been off the internet totally?
  2. How many times in the last 10 years have you had to get a newer phone, or a faster laptop?
  3. Did you have to apply online for your last job? Did you have to have a LinkedIn account?

Okay, you have your answers. Feel free to post them in the comments section.

It seems, at least from my perspective, kind of fishy that in the last 10 years, we've gone smaller, faster, and more integrated with this technology not fully out of our own free will, but because the world around us is changing and you cannot afford to fall behind.

Those with older computers are quickly being ranked out of the race with software that no longer supports them, whose very hardware cannot keep up with the hefty toolkits of HTML5, WebGL and VR. Businesses find it more and more necessary, yes necessary, to have Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in order to make sales. Employees are requiring LinkedIn, and, since there's hardly a place around now where you can apply in person.

And 5G is coming. Everything will be integrated. With all of our fears and truths about 5G causing brain disease, wouldn't you like to know that 5G is decentralized? Yes, just like cryptocurrencies. Your data and identity will be stored on a permanent ledger, or many permanent ledgers, and you will not be able to escape Big Brother.

Of course, with the colorful, flat style artwork and happy sounding music, decentralization seems like the next step in technology's evolution. It may very well be an irreversible process too, as people are fed up with YouTube demonetizing channels and Facebook selling user data.

But imagine how much worse this could be taken under Decentralization.

All nodes are connected, with an Artificial Intelligence system working with the government. All it takes is a flip of the switch and these nodes could deny your very existence. You think Bitcoin can't be censored, but with most of the mining power centralized (that, you can't fix as easily: both Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake favor the rich), all it could take is a backdoor to blacklist some addresses, like yours. This has already been in discussion.

Also hidden in plain sight is China's social credit score, integrated with Apple's and Facebook's trust system. In an effort to attack "Fake News" (which is true news), these corporations will tell you to whom you can give your trust to. They will analyze your data, your messages, your posts, your buying habits, to determine if you're a cog in the machine or free to live your life. Yes, this is right now.

So you're getting pushed along. You're buying the products. You're trying your damned hardest to make money and live an awesome life.

But if you keep going down this path, indeed if we all continue using this digital technology thinking that the world is leaving us behind, thinking that all of the opportunity is online, then you will find that you and your neighbors don't talk nearly as much now. Your personalized internet will become your world.

And worst of all, you'll find that the Rat Race you ran away from, you're galloping headfirst into it.

And you don't give a shit.


Yes, you don't give a shit. Chances are you know about all of the big conspiracies out there, and you know that the elite are indeed taking over the world. But don't look at that stuff. Look at your values, look at your self-image. Looking at your habits is a great way to see if you're taking your life seriously, but most people ignore it and indulge in their addictions. Maybe it's food, or women, or *gasp* the internet.

My generation lost respect for cable television and radio, but somehow find it perfectly fine that cable and radio have moved to the Internet.


We know Alex Jones was shut down, as well as other truth tellers. We share the story and move on.

This is the disease of the internet. We go through information like lightning, but that's just it. We keep going to work, feeding the machine. We've adopted the internet into our lives, again feeding the machine.

We still shop at Wal-Mart knowing that they can easily turn those places into FEMA camps and prisons for children that were taken from their families, because of the cheap prices. Go ahead, click the link. Notice that all of the content creators' outrages are buried out of sight, but the mainstream media's take on it goes all the way down the fucking page.

And watch what you'll do right after you leave this article. You'll go to another article. You'll go offline and check your phone. You'll go back to work or school or back to wherever the fuck your boss tells you to be.

Seriously. This is probably my last article unless I flip heads and work for the script. I've told friends online and off and it's clear that most people are aware, yet nearly every man I know except for the business owners, act like their balls have been punched inside their pelvis.


But hey, it is what it is.

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