Announcing the Steem $1000 quality post 30-day challenge

in #30dayqualitypostchallenge7 years ago (edited)

A lot of crap happened in my life yesterday, but that's really not what I'm here to talk about. But I should probably tell you a bit about it, for a point of reference.

Yesterday, the brakes on my dear car died. I've been driving my 2001 Saturn for many years. It gets great gas mileage. It is very low to insure. I promised that I'd drive it until the wheels fell off. Then the axle broke 3 years ago, and I had it repaired. So, I'm literally driving it after the wheels fell off, and I put them back on again. It is really my only transportation to work and my magic gigs. Indeed, I have a magic performance this afternoon! I'm working out a rental car, and looking at some low-cost used cars today.

This is a short setback. My wife and I will manage! But this is not why I'm telling you this story.

I was thinking about possible ways of making money to counteract this disaster, and thought Steem could at least help! Yesterday, I also saw this post from user @kirbyhopper.

I'd sure be interested to know of someone on #steemit who is "just an author", pulling in even $1000 monthly (or a cash value in their account that would allow him or her to pull that much out without sucking his account dry) - and writing about nothing but crypto or steemit doesn't count :)

To which I answered:

Are you talking $1000 (USD) monthly? I think that is a pretty low target for a theoretical writer or content producer that is doing it full time. If you do a quality post every day, and build up an audience, that would work out to be $33USD per day through clicks and upvotes. Heck, I'm pretty sure I could do that. (Do I want to do that job every day? Not really at this time, but it's an available path.) [...]
Maybe we can set up a "30-day content challenge", you and me... To see if either of us (or both) could produce $1000 worth of content (writing, video, photography, whatever) on Steem in 1 month with no upvote bots.

So, that conversation REALLY got me thinking. I wonder if it's possible to produce regular quality content, without the use of upvote bots, without the use of spam or tricks. Is it possible for a PLANKTON like me to produce $1000usd in quality content in one month? Can quality, honest posts still work, without shady tactics? I thought I'd try it.

I'm taking up the challenge! You can also join me. Here are the rules:

  1. Try to make at least one quality post every day. NO PLAGIARISM.
  2. No paying for upvote bots.
  3. The post can be in any format. Video, audio, drawing, writing. Whatever your talent is!
  4. I'm marking my posts with the topic hashtag #qp30dc. Please do that too, so I can follow and reciprocate upvotes.

I have some interesting ideas that I will be bringing forth in a few days that should be fun: Some fantastic magic, and a cool game. None of it you will want to miss!

Excited now? You wanna join me?

  1. Follow your good pal Scotto. That's me!
  2. If you love this idea, and want to join in, feel free to upvote and Re-Steem it! (Optional.)
  3. Just start! Just do it with me! As a result, Steem will be a better place.
  4. Tag it with #qp30dc
  5. Join me in upcoming work in networking communities @steemfreelancers and @steemgigs

Still I don't understand why your post with a special tag (which indicates high quality)could attract more votes. Aren't there thousands of good article posted with only low rewards?

It's not possible to do that tag in Steemit. You can't start a tag with a number. (Why?) It is also too long. (Why?)

They seemed to post OK in!

You might want to include this caveat, since our original conversation had to do with content providers getting paid, just for providing content: participants can never have used upvote bots. Then there's this thing about getting paid "just for posting your content," or "just bring your blog over to steemit." Other than a few who are already making a full-time living with their vlog or blog, and already have a following, is it possible to make $1000 per month without also spending a lot of time networking?

Hi @kirbyhopper - You make a good point. However, I don't want to disqualify people that have used upvote bots in the past. If someone used upvote bots, and they are now "going straight" I think that should be fine! I also think your point about networking is well-made. Yes, networking is vital, and I consider that totally legit way of getting to that $1000 mark!

Understood re: disqualifying. It would be cool though if maybe for the next month do one in which only people who have not used bots can participate, so as to shed some light on our discussion about whether it's even possible for a content provider to make much without ever using bots, and I don't mean big names who already have a following coming to this platform or people who only talk about cryptocurrency.

I'm in! This sounds great to me. Can't wait to see what everyone puts out. Thanks, Scotto!

Please note the update in hashtag: #qp30dc for size and non-numeric starting character reasons! Sadly, I cannot change the initial hashtag for this post!

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