30 Questions Answer "When to Marriage" on Lebaran Day

in #30-questions6 years ago



Here are 30 slightly crazy and nasty answers you can use to fend off the question of 'when is marriage?' Guaranteed people who ask that question will instantly silence a thousand languages. Curious?
Mother: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Duh .. Opor homemade Mother nice ya, but kok saltiness ya? What if ya ya ya who want to marry? Ciyee ... "

Dad: "Loh daddy already married?"
Answer: "Do not you want to have a young wife?"
Sister: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Pass! Pass! Pass !!! Next question! "

Adek: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Dek, ever heard the news in Bosnia not? About the little boy who died shoe flickers because of nanya-nanya when marriage to his brother? "

Grandpa: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Secret! I used to have grandparents when my grandmother was not invited. Huft! "

Grandma: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Uh, Grandma, look at UFOs by ..."

Mr. De: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "2015 ..."

Pak De: "Wow this year means dong?"
Answer: "No! I'm just counting aja. And Mr. De is the one to 2015 who asks when I'm married! "

Mrs. De: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Wait a pretty date first, Bude. Because the 12-12-2012 is over, so I'm waiting on 22-22-2222. "

Mr. Lek: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "It was the intention of last month. But mantanku even cheating and marriage the president's son. I'm upset, Mr. Lek. Hicks. "Cry on Pak Lek's shoulder

Mrs. Lek: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Later, nungguin Bulek divorced same Paklek first, hehee ..." thrown jar jar
Read Also: Tips Lebaran Mudik

Former: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Hahaha patiently dong. It's not as fast as Pick-up. "

Friends: "When to Nikah?"
Answer: "Nabila Syakieb is still wanting a career. How dong? "

Old Friends: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Yes, Bro. Not very creative. From year to year your question so-so. Move on dong, move on! "

Friends Nyinyir: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Sorry. I breed by splitting myself. So do not have to ask when I'm married! "

Temen Not Important: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Tomorrow if it does not rain."

Familiar Quote: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "What are you doing? Lo sales wedding organizer? "

Temen Oon: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Well congratulations. Eh but When is that child anyway? I do not know. Salamin deh for the When. May be Samawa's family. "Pretend to be stupid '

Small friend: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Watch TV frequently. Ntar pas gue married appeared in infotainment really! "

Temen Sok Ganteng: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Lo when cute?"

Friends But Mesra: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "When I get married, you're broken again?" Hug

Temen Makan Makan Temen: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "I should be married now, if I had not seized my girlfriend, demon!" BUGH

People Do not Know: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "BODO AMAT !! Who is it? "

Fellow singles: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Ngaca!" Slams the rearview mirror

Pak Kyai: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Not sure yet, sir. Depending on the results of itsbat trial decision later. "Direct dirukyah

Pak RT: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "It depends. When are you ready to hire me? Eaaa ... "ngedipin the ankle

Headman: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Do not know yet, sir. I do not know when. I think it's still a long time. Because in Indonesia has not legalized same-sex marriage. Ha ha…"

The elders of Kampung: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Eyang when is dead?" Blurred

Youth Chairman: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Is there no other question that is more weighty?" Benerin collar

Girlfriend: "When is marriage?"
Answer: "Tomorrow morning yes, honey. More busy getting up 1000 temples for you. "

So are 30 answers to the question of 'when is marriage?' Which is a bit nyleneh and may be considered insane. However, this is just entertainment, do not be taken seriously and practiced. If such a question is asked, answer the answer. Do not offend other people with harsh words, especially if the other person is an older person such as father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, or aunt. So, do not mess up ya buddy. Not forever so the singles were ngenes.

Hopefully we can use the moment of Eid al-Fitr to be able to get a mate. It's okay while diving drinking water, do not fast right?

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