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in #2o4v9bccs5 years ago


"個性的なカメラを多数発売しているペンタックスですが、その機能や性能以上に、レギュラーカラーにホワイトやレッドを揃えたことで注目されたのが「K-x」。このカメラが発売されたのが、2009年の今日です。サイズの小ささがウリだった「K-m」の後継機として登場。進化点は、センサーがCCDからCMOSへと変更されたことや、上位モデル譲りの画像処理エンジン「PRIME II」の採用、レンズ歪曲・収差補正、1280×720@24fpsの動画撮影、HDR撮影、多重露出撮影などへの対応と、多岐にわたりました。 もちろん、ボディ内…"


NASA demos spacesuits for its Moon and Mars missions

" Today, NASA revealed the two spacesuits that it will use for its Project Artemis. It shared a video of a spacesuit engineer wearing a bulky, red-white-and-blue suit that will be used for work on the Moon and another spacesuit engineer rocking a thinn..."


Facebook expands its reward program for data abuse reports

" Facebook is broadening its data abuse bounty program to reward more security sleuths. As of today, researchers can earn at least $500 when they find Facebook data vulnerabilities in third-party apps and sites using active penetration tests, not just..."


Sony’s 360 Reality Audio launches this fall with 1,000 tracks

" Sony isn't letting Dolby corner the market on positional audio. Today, the electronics giant announced that 360 Reality Audio, its high resolution immersive listening technology that debuted at CES, is officially launching this fall. There will be ar..."


Instagram gives you more control over data shared with third-party apps

" Instagram has been tightening the reins on third-party apps for a while, and now it's putting more of that control in your hands. It's adding more powerful controls over data sharing that let you quickly shut down a sketchy app. There's a new autho..."


Logitech unveils its first mouse and keyboard built for Chrome OS

"Now that the Pixelbook Go is here, you might want a mouse and keyboard to go with it. Logitech, unsurprisingly, is happy to oblige -- the company has unveiled its first Made for Google devices, the M355 Portable Wireless Mouse (not shown to scale) a..."


'Control' will let you photograph its beautiful Brutalist setting

" Remedy Entertainment's Control quickly found a fanbase thanks in part to its strikingly eerie design. One of the most-requested features from players is a photo mode to help them capture the Oldest House's shifting Brutalist architecture in their own..."


Google Pixel 4、4 XL 動手玩:讓人看到了更大的野心 - Engadget 中文版

" 在發表會前,Google 的新旗艦 Pixel 4 系列基本已經是一個洩無可洩的狀態。但在真正見到實機以後,我們的主站同事還是看出了一些諜照、爆料無法完全描繪的東西。這一方面當然是因為 Google 的新設計拿到手裡終究會有跟隔著螢幕不同的感覺,另一方面則是 Google 依靠各方面改進彰顯出來的野心,讓人覺得他們這次已經不光是想要打造出有著原生 Android 體驗的優秀「相機」而已。 %Slideshow-1078911%兩款新 Pixel 都搭載了 Snapdragon 855 處理器和 6GB RAM,可…"


Google Pixel 4、4 XL 动手玩:让人看到了更大的野心

" 在发布会前,Google 的新旗舰 Pixel 4 系列基本已经是一个泄无可泄的状态。但在真正见到真机以后,我们的主站同事还是看出了一些谍照、爆料无法完全描绘的东西。这一方面当然是因为 Google 的新设计拿到手里终究会有跟隔着屏幕不同的感觉,另一方面则是 Google 依靠各方面改进彰显出来的野心,让人觉得他们这次已经不光是想要打造出有着原生 Android 体验的优秀「相机」而已。 %Slideshow-1078911%两款新 Pixel 都搭载了骁龙 855 处理器和 6GB RAM,可选 64GB 和 …"


Google 确认放弃 Daydream VR 平台与 Daydream View 头戴设备

" Google 的 Daydream VR 实验终于来到了尾声。继 Pixel 3a 与 3a XL 之后,今天刚发布的 Pixel 4 与 Pixel 4 XL 也被确认将不支持 Daydream VR 平台 —— 3a 不支持还能说是硬件限制,但 Pixel 4 就没道理不支持了。Daydream app 和 store 暂时还会继续为已经拥有 Daydream View 和支持的手机的用户开放,但 Google 将不再继续贩售 Daydream View 头戴设备。 在声明稿中,一位 Google 发言人向…"



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