Engadget Trending News

in #2moydzd1k5 years ago

Apple's 2020 iPhones could have in-display fingerprint readers

"While rivals like Samsung and Huawei have been rocking in-screen fingerprint sensors for a while now, Apple has been relying on Face ID since the iPhone X. That might change soon, however, according to a report from Bloomberg's reputable Apple leak..."



" 运动品牌推出智能手表的例子越来越多,今年 IFA 上 Puma 也找来近年大力投资智能表的 Fossil 合作,一同推出了其品牌名下第一款此类产品。目前官方还没有给出这款表的具体名称,但可以确定的是它将搭载高通的 Snapdragon Wear 311 芯片并预载 Google 的 Wear OS 系统,而且不意外的是会以运动相关的特性为主要卖点。 据介绍,这款设备为了能保持机身的轻量化,特意选择了跟 Michael Kors MKGO 一样将铝、尼龙等材质融入产品的打造中。其所配备的硅胶表带则采用了防滑、透气…"


Microsoft will test xCloud game streaming in Korea next month

" Microsoft will test its Project xCloud game streaming service in South Korea this October. The company has announced a public preview that will allow "selected" SK Telecom customers to test the platform over a 5G connection. Testers won't need an X..."


Xperia 5 是索尼又一款 21:9 OLED 手机

" 被昨天彩排画面揭开了面纱一角的 Sony 新手机 Xperia 5,今天终于正式在 IFA 2019 的舞台上亮相了。虽然名字里的数字直接从之前的 1 跳到了 5(而不是传说中的 2 或者 1S),但这款新机的整体风格还是跟 Xperia 1 非常相近。它的机身方正,会提供黑、灰、蓝、红四种配色。正面配备了一块支持 HDR 的 6.1 吋 21:9 长条 OLED 屏幕,只是分辨率由 3,840 x 1,644 下降到了 2,520 x 1,080。不过这款手机依然用到了 Bravia 的显示技术,而且支持 P3…"


Puma's first smartwatch was designed for athletes

" Puma has teamed up with the Fossil Group to enter the smartwatch market with a device that stays true to its brand. Like many other new wearables in the category, the company's first smartwatch is powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon Wear 3100 chipset..."


Samsung's reinforced Galaxy Fold feels stronger than before

"At last, Samsung is ready to unveil the refined Galaxy Fold. After an embarrassing initial rollout earlier this year that was plagued with multiple damaged review units, the company was forced to delay launching its foldable flagship. It went back..."


Garmin 新一代 Vivomove 增添彩色双屏 OLED 显示选项

" 在主力的 Venu 之外,Garmin 同时也更新了 Vivomove 系列的指针智能表。显然是看上了 Vivomove 作为时尚系列的前景,在这款上 Garmin 推出的选择格外丰富。最高端的款式称为「Vivomove Luxe」,拥有 42mm 的表面,并在其中内嵌了两个彩色 AMOLED 的面板,分别在表面的上半部和下半部。在显示内容时,时针和分针会自动转至「平放」的位置,来避免挡屏幕,而有部份的内容,甚至可以将指针转上来当指示针使用,相当有趣。Vivomove Luxe 采用金、银或玫瑰金色的不锈钢表身和…"


ソニー新旗艦スマホ Xperia 5発表、1の高性能をコンパクトに凝縮

" ドイツ・ベルリンのIFA 2019会場より。ソニーモバイルが新フラグシップスマートフォン「Xperia 5」を発表しました。日本を含むグローバルで発売予定。 いわば「小型版Xperia 1」 なXperia 5 「Xperia 5」は、『Xperia 1の高性能をハンドフィットサイズへ』をうたうスマートフォンです。 Xperia 1の超縦長有機ELディスプレイや、Snapdragon 855搭載といった基本スペックを引き継ぎつつ、画面サイズを6.4インチから6.1インチに小型化しています。 6.1インチ…"


Michael Kors 带来三款新表

" 借着 IFA 的机会,Michael Kors 也对旗下的智能手表进行了更新。这次公布的新品共有三款,其中两款分别是 Lexington 和 Bradshaw 系列的后继表款,还有一款则是 MK 至今为止重量最轻的一款智能手表。首先来说说全新的 Access Lexington 2 和 Bradshaw 2,它们均搭载了 Snapdragon Wear 3100 处理器和 Wear OS,而且机身内建扬声器,可以通过蓝牙搭配 iPhone 或 Android 手机实现通话功能。除此之外,两款手表都会提供四种用电模…"


Sony's Xperia 5 is another long OLED smartphone

" And we thought Sony was staying quiet. It did have a phone to launch at IFA, but it wasn't the Xperia 2. The company skipped a few and landed on the Xperia 5. It'll come with a long 6.1-inch 21:9 ratio, HDR-compatible OLED display, with Dolby Atmos..."



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