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RE: No, this is not my first post of 2019.

in #20185 years ago

To be honest, if I didn't wrote those I won't even be able to recall what I had done...and yes as you said, it's a crazy lot. Probably not that crazy compared to some others, but it's still far more than what I would expect. The human brain tends to remember bad memories instead of good ones, and it's really wonderful to see what we had actually did apart from mindlessly repeating the same thing every single day, like what my memory is telling me.

About's that laptop now? XD I haven't booted into Windows for two months or something, that's an accomplishment I think? Lol.

Who knows if they will really explode lol, just enjoy the ride if it happens :D

Thanks for stopping by!


Yes it's interesting how the brain stores trauma and stress more efficiently than good memories. I think it is a survival tool hardwired into us, more instinct.. Like, if you ask a good poker player to recall his/her best wins, and his/her worst losses, he/she will recall the losses more quickly and easily than the wins, and the majority of the wins he/she will not remember! Strange phenomenon, but I guess it makes some sense when you think deeply about why it happens, and of course I could be totally wrong too.

how's that laptop now?

Strange you should ask, because I was just thinking about it earlier. I haven't booted it up in probably 6 months or so.. I decided I wanted a better version of Linux, and was prepared to manually install the wifi driver, but I started having difficulties with formatting and put the project away for now. I've thought about it plenty and am convinced I need to format to FAT32. So maybe I will give the laptop another try in the near future. If I get it to work, I'll likely end up using it for either a server, or a penny miner.

No Windows for two months??? That is an accomplishment alright, especially if you have managed to become fully independent of the Wingrip, and it sounds like you have! I was independent of Windows for about 2 years straight, but most of my time was spent on Ubuntu forums. It was a fun two years. I should do it again.

Who knows if they will really explode lol

I meant figuratively, not literally lol, exploding like lots and lots of cyborgs everywhere... 😄
some of them will probably explode by accident


Nice to hear from you bro! 😎✌️

Practically it is almost always a very bad idea to use non-Linux filesystems for a Linux system...we have file permissions and quite an amount of weird but useful stuff that relies on it. We don't usually care about it but the system does lol. I would suggest you to format it back to that good ol' EXT4 for Linux usage. Unless you are using something like Puppy Linux then maybe that's another story, but I'll suggest you to use EXT4 for it too. Less hassle unless you want to use Windows with it... lol.

To be honest the Linux condition is significantly better than what we had a few years back...back then Wine is almost unusable for most stuff, firmware issues here and there, and all sorts of stuff I could complain. Now it is significantly easier to live off Linux alone, since most open source projects had became significantly better over the years (such as LibreOffice and KDE, watching them grow over the years is indeed a special experience wew).

I still remember when I first started Linux I had to Wine an installation of MS Office because LO just gives broken formatting everywhere, but stuff are different now. It is compatible for like 90% of the content out there, and it's just getting better. We also have the godly owner of Steam (aka Valve) holding us there, their work on Proton (a patched version of Wine) is just insane. Imagine running a resource intensive made for Windows in near-native performance through's just magic. Well, it couldn't go through intense and horrible DRM implementations as well as anti-cheats, but it's still a very big step forward. And yes it's only getting better, so to be honest it is really not that hard to escape "wingrip", just stop using shit apps and you're halfway there lol.

That's a really nice GIF

Nice to hear from you too!

Yup, I'm aware of the file format issues between Linux and Win. The problem was with EXT4 entirely, as the computer was giving error of file system format issues for Linux on EXT4. It's a real conundrum for me.

I'm gonna give it another go, and I might end up contacting you on discord to share my findings with you. I'm sure you are going to be the first to know when I have the dinosaur in working order again lol.

I am going to get this thing working with Linux if it's the last thing I do! lol.

I had originally bought it off of someone who believed it was useless, due to Windows functionality and user experience being horrible.. The computer simply doesn't have the resources to handle modern Win. So the entire intent was to run Linux on it from the start, and I do not believe this problem is unsolvable, unless I discover that it's a catastrophic hardware issue, in which case I don't think I would be able to reformat and boot up as easily as I'm able to. The errors only come in from install.. So this could be a host of problems, especially considering I was hosting the image off a rooted android.. I have some ideas..

Don't get me going on DRM 😅

Uh...EXT4 should never go wrong? Not sure what happened lol, but yeah it should really work out of the box no matter what. Unless the formatting program is problematic or your hard disk is weird...

Yeah, do contact me any time if I could be of any help :)

I'm somehow depending a lot on DRM now...since Spotify uses it lol. It is sure a big pain to use on my laptop due to insufficient RAM (I believe it's some potato coding on the DRM extension because the app works smoothly on my phone). DRM on games and other stuff sounds as painful as it should be, don't get me going on that too lol.

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