Engadget Trending News

in #1kqn0geiz4 years ago

YouTube is sharing more ‘authoritative' election info with voters

"YouTube already has a few election protection measures in place, like removing videos that encourage election meddling and banning claims that could mislead voters. Today, YouTube announced that it’s paying special attention to mail-in voting content..."


Watch the Blue Origin sensor test that will help NASA land on the Moon

" Blue Origin is set to launch its reusable New Shepard rocket on a suborbital mission today (September 24th) and test sensors for a vehicle that could one day land on the Moon. The NS-13 mission, using a rocket that has already flown six times in a row, is sch…"


'Nier' remaster heads to the West on April 23rd, 2021

" A remaster of the original Nier video game will be released in the West on April 23rd, 2021. The cult classic, directed by Yoko Taro, was first released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2010. It was a spin-off from the Drakengard series and followed the …"


Even LinkedIn has Stories now

" LinkedIn is the latest platform to embrace the disappearing Stories format. The professional networking site unveiled its latest redesign that makes the company’s months-long experiment with LinkedIn Stories official. Beginning today, the company is..."


Roli’s light-up, learn-to-play Lumi keyboard is available for pre-order

" Pre-orders for Roli’s crowdfunded Lumi keyboard are now open. The small, light-up keyboard pairs with a companion app and is meant to help you learn how to play music, whether you want to dive right into your favorite pop songs (Beyonce) or start wit..."


マイクロソフト、クラウドゲーミング「Project xCloud」を日本でも2021年前半に提供開始

"マイクロソフトはオンライン開催中の東京ゲームショウ2020にて、クラウドゲーミングProject xCloudを2021年の前半に日本で提供開始すると発表しました。"


Epic, Spotify and others ally against Apple and Google app policies

" A diverse variety of companies including Epic Games, Spotify, Match Group, Tile and others have formed an alliance to pressure Apple, Google and others to change their app store rules. The Coalition for App Fairness debuted today, stating that “Apple taxes co…"


微软会在 2021 年再推可一次性购买永久授权的 Office 套件

" 微软确认会在 2021 年下半年再推一版可一次性购买永久授权的全新 Office 套件,Windows 和 macOS 对应的版本都有,也就是说 Office 2019 并不是最后一款提供非订阅购买选项的产品。"


Apple's brand-new iPad is down to $299 on Amazon

" Amazon joins Walmart with a new sale on the latest 8th-generation iPad — yes, the one that only came out last week. Amazon now has the iPad starting at $299, which is $30 less than its normal starting price. For those unaware, the 8th-generation iPad is the…"



" 初のオンライン開催となった東京ゲ ムショウ2020で、マイクロソフトが Microsoft Flight Simulator の「日本」アップデ トを予告しました。 マイクロソフト フライトシュミレ タ の世界をさらにリアルにする「ワ ルドアップデ ト」の第一弾として、法隆寺や軍艦島などのランドマ クや、仙台・東京・横浜など全国6都市のフォトグラメトリ技術による再現、八丈島など6か所の手動モデリングによる空港などなど、多数のコンテンツを追加します。 マイクロソフトフライトシュミレ タ ジャパン ワ ルドアップデ …"



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