Letting go Challenge Day 1: Telling my mom

Hi Steemit, hi Dtube,
My journey is taking form! I thrive forward, I reach for my biggest goals, for my highest self and for my amazing dreams to come true! And you guys are such an incredible inspiration!
Thanks to @spite77 for introducing his #100DayChallenge, I'm definitely on it!

I told my mom today that I quit my jobs and that I am going on a trekking tour as a digital nomad barefoot and without money to Paris in order to let go of anything that holds me back from real success, prosperity and abundance, to build my tribe and reach out for my community and my clients, whom I want to help to reach their goals as well.
You guess what?
You're right!
She didn't understand!
She was so damn angry with me and told me the same assignments of guilt as ever:
"I am always only taking"
"Because of me she had to relinquish so many things"
"I am a loser"
"I take no responsibility"
... and so on and so on.

Breath in

I let go of everything what's holding me back, even if that means I disappoint my mother.
I go my way, I do things for what I've come to this world in the first place.

I do it my way!

Love, Unity & Abundance to yall

▶️ DTube

If you want, you can use this banner as a footer in your #100DayChallenge posts to help the community grow.

100 Day Challenge

Markdown Code (copy 'n' paste)

[![100 Day Challenge](https://ipfs.busy.org/ipfs/QmThhnVTyt1Lrj8VvUXhvr5XHFQFG9PJwo8CHZ1EeEsRsn)

Awesome! That's great! how do you create these banners? With canva?

No with GIMP and a pic from Pexels.

Good luck @holgerwerner !

Seeing more people do this really inspires me to do better myeself. I can very much relate to the emotions that come along with a parent that does not approve. I intend to write about how I learned it all works in the brain once I'm at the point where I want to be at myself.

Thanks for the inspiration

Thanks for dropping in! The journey never ends, that's the great news, the bad news is that you cannot expect others (especially your parents) to approve with how you handle life!

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