10-Minute Yoga For Self Care - Yoga With Adriene

in #106 years ago

(upbeat music) - Alright lovers, let's begin in Child's Pose. Come on down, and get low, and if Child's Pose is not a posture that feels loving to you then you can start in just a nice, comfortable seat of your choice. Wherever you begin today, take a moment to relax your shoulders and to close your eyes, and begin to gently listen to the sound of your breath. Soften through your jaw. Relax the area between your two eyebrows and if you're in Child's Pose you might take a moment here to just gently rock back and forth massaging the brow line. And just, perhaps stimulating that third eye area. Continue to listen to the sound of your breath. See if you can make the inhalation a little bit longer, and the exhalation a little bit longer. Then nice and slow, we'll reach the fingertips towards the front edge of the mat. Inhaling. Exhale, slowly begin to roll it up. So if you're in the comfortable seat we're coming to join you. Stacking head over heart, heart over pelvis here. Sit up nice and tall, lift up through the chest and we're gonna send the fingertips forward as if you were reaching to grab something or hug someone, and then you're just gonna circle right around back and hug yourself, I love it. Notice which arm's on top, we're gonna alternate. Lift the elbows and walk the fingertips towards the center of your back, breathe here. Now if this is a little too much for your knees you can come to cross legged or everyone, just lift up a little bit from your pelvis floor, to find a little energetic lift if you will, up through the center channels and in line. One more big breath in here. Just notice what it feels like to hug yourself, and if it feels silly that's great, just notice. And then release, you reach forwards, spread the fingertips some energy here, and it's like you're reaching to grab and hug someone, but whoa, circle around back and hug yourself. Just a slight metaphor there, just a tiny one. Alright, you might start to massage the upper back body now. Feeling your fingers and shoulder blades. Again, a little energetic lift up through the spine and take one more deep breath in here, and then exhale, release. Wonderful. Knees are gonna come as wide as the yoga mat and we're gonna pop up to all fours setting ourself up for a nice stretch, in the neck, the shoulders, upper back body. So knees are as wide as the yoga mat. We're gonna inhale, reach the right fingertips forward, that reach again, feel the length in the right side body and then try to maintain that length as you thread the needle. Right fingertips underneath the bridge of the right arm and you come to rest on your right ear. Inhale, but open the chest towards the sky, and exhale, let the legs, the feet be heavy. One more big breath in. Then exhale coming all the way through center nice and slow. Reach the left fingertips forward, find that space, that length, stretch, and then threading the needle whenever you're ready. Left ear comes to the earth, inhale, lot's of loving as you spiral your heart towards the sky. Exhale, lots of love out, let the feet be heavy. One more deep breath in. Then exhale, release, awesome. Come back to all fours. Cross the ankles, use your hands to guide you all the way through to a nice cross-legged seat. Sukhasana. Alright, soft fingers here, soft fingers. You're gonna take your fingers to the neck here. Just opposite fingers to the opposite side of the neck and you're just gonna comb out little, soft easy movement here and use this time to tap into the breath. So it's nothing fancy, nothing in particular, but it's the action and it's marrying nice deep conscious breath with this action of just massaging your neck, and then when you're ready, can continue down to the shoulder and you decide wether you want to go front or back and then just notice if you're breathing deep. Can you read a little bit deeper and with more love, more mindfulness, more care, more consciousness? Obviously we're breathing all the time, but more conscious breath. After you've found some places to give your love here on one shoulder switch, soft fingers to start and find a little bit of, movement, I'm getting Zened out, movement on the neck and when you're ready make your way down. So start at the neck though and make your way down, the shoulder and you can choose, there's a fork in the road there, you can choose to come to the front, and, then the back. And then, again reconnecting with nice conscious breath here, a little goes a long ways, just notice how you feel, and sometimes when we actually stop to just massage, just a simple shoulder like this and breath deep, some emotion will come up and you might just be like holy moley, I haven't been checking in with myself. So if you experience anything like that, enjoy, enjoy that recognition. Alright, we'll release that and we're just gonna bring one foot in front of the other, take the thumbs right to the arch of the foot and just kneading with the thumbs here. Now as you do this, nice long smooth deep breath and heavy in the hips. See if you can soften your jaw and soften the skin of the face, the forehead, 'cause sometimes we don't even realize we're clenching in an area of your body, in areas of your body adding extra tension. So as we massage the foot, the ankle, just take a moment to also scan the rest of the body, make sure you're not creating more tension for yourself. If you do that on the mat you are probably doing that off the mat. So we just use this sweet time here to just check in with that. Alright, switch, opposite foot, again we're starting with the thumbs on the arch of the foot first and then you can make your way around the foot and the ankle here, and again heavy in the quads here, heavy in the hips, nice full active, like scary deep breath, just breath, breath, breath, breath. (breathing deeply) Also, then we'll release that, here we go, last thing. We're gonna send the feet out in front, knees are gonna come up towards the sky. Then you're gonna send one leg out, doesn't matter, actually let's go ahead and extend the right leg out, and then you're just gonna grab the left foot and see have your little like hip leg baby here and you're just come onto the left elbow and just massage the top of the hip there, the glutes and the piriformis, and this will be a little bit different for everyone, you can move back and forth. You can extend the leg out long, and just use your right hand to gently guide this movement, and then careful to not collapse on the left shoulder. Great, take a deep breath in. Come all the way back through center to switch and then send the left leg out long, bend the right knee, catch your right foot, and then again, right forearm comes to the ground here and we rock a little back and forth here exploring the other side. So I want you to get a nice stretch, a nice massage, excuse me, in the glute, but also in the top of the hip, the outer edge of the hip, the piriformis. Just feel it out, maybe you don't even think about these muscles or this area of the body so this is a new discovery. Take one more deep breath in here, sweet and then exhale, come back to center. Sukhasana, opposite leg crossed in front than the one you did before, so it's the one that feels kind of weird. And we end today with hands right at the heart. Deep breath in, lift your sternum to your thumb, and exhale, we bow. Namaste. (upbeat music) .

As found on Youtube

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://raycoots.com/index.php/2019/01/27/10-minute-yoga-for-self-care-yoga-with-adriene/

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