Engadget Trending News

in #09cpj34el5 years ago

The Apple TV app is available on Roku

"Apple wants Apple TV+ in as many places as possible, even if that means moving beyond its own devices. Today, it announced that the Apple TV app is now available on Roku, and beginning November 1st, Roku users will be able to access Apple TV+ through the app.…"


We're live at the Made By Google 2019 launch event!

" It's a beautiful, Fall day in New York City, and there's no better way to start it off than with a coffee, a long queue of journalists outside The Shed, and the promise of some new Google hardware."


Neuvana's stress-reducing earbuds are available to pre-order for $399

" Neuvana's calming earbuds are nearly here after a long, long development process, although you may be in for a few surprises. The company has started taking pre-orders for its nerve-stimulating Xen buds at a $399 price ahead of their winter release. That's si…"


Lyft is collaborating with Uber, Ford and Toyota on self-driving safety

" Self-driving technology has the potential to increase road safety, as some dramatic video from Tesla and others has shown. However, the dark side of it has made bigger headlines thanks to notorious accidents during autonomous operations in Uber and Tesla vehi…"


哈雷因充电问题临时中止 LiveWire 生产

" 因为在测试过程中发现充电设备存在问题,哈雷现在决定临时中止 LiveWire 电动机车的生产和交付。根据官方提供给华尔街日报的说法,确定问题原因的进展非常顺利,但尽管如此他们暂时还是没有给出任何恢复生产的具体时程安排。对于已经骑上 LiveWire 的用户,哈雷强调机车仍可正常行驶,但充电的话就必须要去车商那里用专门的 ChargePoint 才能保证安全。也就是说,在厂方拿出办法以前,骑士们切记不要尝试在家充电。 老实讲,以一款自 2014 年就开始宣传,而且售价高达三万美元的产品来说,上市没多久就碰上这种事…"


'Fortnite' Chapter 2 is the fresh start the game needed

"I've played Fortnite for over 1,400 hours, but never quite like this. While exploring today's release of Chapter 2, I swam through crystal-clear rivers, carried a downed teammate and ate a flopper fish while waiting for a speedboat to pick me up. Aft..."


Watch Google's Pixel 4 event right here at 10AM ET

" Yes, it's finally time -- A month after the invitations went out, the next Made by Google event is upon us. You can watch the livestream here starting at 10AM Eastern in addition to following our liveblog. There's a lot expected at this event, and..."


Facebook Portal review (2019): A redesign doesn't ease privacy fears

" When Facebook debuted its Portal video chat devices last year, they were met with a great deal of skepticism. After all, the company doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation on security and privacy. Following their release, Facebook faced even furth..."


AMC is launching its own on-demand movie service

" If you can't beat them, join them. AMC Entertainment, the largest theater chain in the world, will soon be offering movies to stream at home, according to the New York Times. The movie theater industry has tried all sorts of approaches to compete with the lur…"


英国 2019 年第三季的再生能源发电量占比首度超过石化发电

" 据 Carbon Brief 的分析资料显示,英国 2019 年所有再生能源的总发电量为 29.5 TWh(2,950 亿度),微微领先石化来源的 29.1 TWh(2,910 亿度),达成自 1882 年第一座燃煤发电厂启用以来,史上首次的黄金交叉。更厉害的是, 2009 年的第三季两者分别为 5.7 TWh 和 60.4 TWh,也就是说英国仅花了短短十年的时间,就从几乎没有再生能源,扩展到了今天的程度。 这当中首位的功臣毫无疑问的是风力,包括了拥有 1,200MW 设备容量的世界最大风力发电厂「Horns…"



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