Evaluating Baron's Bounty Promo After 41% Short Term Profit

in #splinterlands2 months ago

Battles have been moved to tech modernization along with the start of the Promo Card sale to coincide with the BTC Halving event. I participated in the previous Halving event that took place 4 years ago and acquired myself a few Halving Alchemists. It was the first Monster to feature Halving Ability which has been a rare occurrence in the game even after 4 years.

Event Available for 15 Days

As you can see I have had to Power Down some of my DEC staked in Praetoria. I had to do this multiple times over the participation to attain the desired results. DEC has been an amazing soft pegged stablecoin that retain most of it value while offering discounts for @splinterlands purchases and generating a yield through Land 1.5 gameplay. All of this is achieved without having to have any long term staking.

This is a minor hassle that allow me to get my hands on DEC when I have an emergency. Participating in a very special event with approximately $100,000 worth prizes count as an investment emergency in my book.

These early bonus points is the reason I rushed in soon. I was intending to aim for a Level 3 Baron Fyatt. All I loose for not reaching Level 4 is the Blind Ability. I already have few Cards that have Blind and I don't have a lot of money to invest at the moment to purchase 5 more Cards. 6 Cards was the plan and I wanted to do it while 3X multiplier lasted.

Promo Cards and Prices

Henchling Enforcer cost 10X less and require 10.45X more Cards to reach Max Level compared to the the Legendary option. I do not have any Cards with Ambush Ability (outside of Starter Cards) and Halving combined with Scattershot can massively debuff the opposing team. I happen to have a Level 3 Yodin Zaku that give Blast Ability and Waka Spiritblade (Max Level) that give Poison ability. Baron Fyatt fits beautifully with the existing Collection I have built.

Results of The Purchase

It was great to come across a Gold Foil Card. The classic drop rate for Gold Foils in these events is 4% (1 in 25 Cards). Although it was an amazing thing to happen, I had to change my plans. I had to unstake more DEC and even buy more VOUCHERs!

The next purchase lead to another Regular Foil Baron Fyatt and I was ready for to have a another Level 3 Legendary Monster ready for Battles.

Evaluating The Immediate Investment Returns

The inclusion of Gold Foil Cards and prizes to be won makes these Promo events into a hybrid of buying a product and buying a lottery. Investors are going to get a valuable NFT with real utility. Their investment is going to hold its value for a long time. At the same time, there is chance to get lucky and walk with several times the value of the base product.

All of this adds upto $90 and with the Gold Foil Card, I had $250 worth value right after the sale. This is not counting the prize eligibility for $100,000 worth prizes.

The pricing of the Cards were done assuming 1,000 DEC is worth 1 USD (that is what it cost to buy 1,000 CREDITS). DEC itself was trading at a 12.5% discount to the soft peg (look at the bottom of the 4th screenshot) and VOUCHERs were at 25% discount (20 of them valued at $1). Since it was possible to pay the half of the cost in VOUCHERs, This leads to a 18.75% overall discount on the cost.

If I had paid in CREDITS, the cost would have been $218.75. What I had to spend was around $177. I was already up by 73 dollars right after the purchase. This is a 41.24% increase in value! Please not that the prices fluctuate and often fall down as more Cards keep entering circulation.

Prizes and Leaderboard

I do not plan to invest more into this Baron's Bounty event. Due to this, the rank I have attained will keep falling and may even fall out of Top 1000. What matters is for me is that there are 32 chances to win one of the following prizes:

The Whales have even more prizes to win including Titles (important utility in Praetoria). I have never had a Runi and I am interested in having one. I already have more Plots that I can take care of (I don't have enough DEC). Alpha, Beta and Essence Orbs have high prices in the market. Unless you are bulk opening these, it could be a better idea to sell if you win one of them :-)

Happy Gaming! Happy Investing!

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