How reading nourishes people spiritually and with knowledge

in #reading19 days ago

Reading and writing... Do humans actually read and write, despite their widespread use? I'm sure none of you can readily answer "Yes" to this question.

Lord Byron observed, “A drop of ink can make a million people think,” and reading makes us think, question, labour, and produce. Science, morality, and humanity are the end.

Human learning is easiest and most successful through reading. Lifelong education begins in primary school.


Even after university is over, the unnamed classes of the school of life include educating oneself, watching the world and one's life, keeping up with changes, and learning from experiences.

The hardest aspects of education, accomplishment, and the ability to overcome challenges are on display at this "School of Life". Books hide success, power, and the secrets to knowing oneself and choosing the proper path.

Whichever organ is exercised develops more. Basketball players grow taller and have strong legs and arms. Brain and reasoning skills develop with book reading.

Without reading, a person lacks cerebral exercise. The thoughts and expressions of a non-reader are as dull as their appearance, no matter how vigilant and aware they are.

First-read books reflect the author's views and diagnoses. Rethinking, discussing, embracing, or rejecting certain thoughts tyres and grows the brain.

Reading habits are hard to form. First, persistence and determination are needed. Watching TV, playing virtual games, chatting, and watching films is a tempting way to avoid reading.

Voltaire observed, “Learning to read is the most powerful of arts.” A person must regulate himself and create daily reading programmes to develop a reading habit.

Reading benefits persons spiritually and intellectually. It warns and educates against life's challenges.

Knowledge plus thinking and implementing breakthroughs via working and producing promotes success in the information era. Bacon remarked, “Knowledge is power.”

Countries that excel in economy, science, art, sports, social life, politics, and administration have high reading rates.

A book about "history" should illuminate the present, and an ethical work should help us change.

We must apply what we read and learn. Our culture, soul, and personality can only grow this way.

Remember the rewards of teaching and reading. Books make the ideal gifts for any occasion. We should present books as gifts more often on New Year's Eve and birthdays.

Reading should be stressed in oral, written, TV, and virtual media. Books are more permanent than newspapers and periodicals and can be consulted anytime.

Books instruct and inspire us to love life. It boosts vocabulary and speech.

Human contacts improve and social character develops. It enhances vocabulary, thinking, and horizons. It boosts inventiveness and decision-making.

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