The Diary Game and your Health - wk20 - The water we should consume. / El agua que debemos consumir.

in Healthy Steem2 months ago


A big greeting to all the friends who participate and who read the blogs of this beautiful community, where they can learn many things about some health problems and how we treat them in case they have to resolve a case (hopefully not).

The Diary and Health Game is masterfully run by our friend @aaliarubab, anyone can participate in suggesting some tips for a treatment.

Today I want to talk to you about water, that mineral so important for our body that some do not take it into account.
I confess that I was one of those people who did not pay attention to whether the day had ended without taking a sip of water in my mouth, yes, I did not drink water and especially when I was in cold weather I did not feel thirsty.

But it turns out that now with chemotherapy we have to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, mainly during the 8 days following the chemo.

This is because with chemotherapies we lose many minerals that are contained in our body and that can only be restored by ingesting water.

The brand is not important, it can be any brand. It just has to be drinkable water that is not contaminated.

What do I do to avoid drinking contaminated water?

To make sure that the water is suitable for consumption and that it will not make me sick, I boil it in a pot that I have especially for boiling the water in my house.

It happened that several times my grandchildren got sick to their stomach from drinking water from the big bottles that we buy in supermarkets and it turns out that when the water was running out we saw some little buchitos moving at the bottom of the bottle, they are guasarapas and this makes them sick. stomach.

Cancer patients can get sick from any virus or anything we consume because we have low defenses. For this reason they ask us to boil the water; In addition to that, I use these little bottles to drink alone from there, I don't use glasses from home since since there are children, they are always sick with the flu or some virus.

This has helped me stay out of viruses, of course, I must change these bottles in a short time since they are not reusable and when used a lot they can release chemicals from the plastic material with which they are made since they are not made to be reused.

In the time I have had this treatment, I have learned how important water is in our body since it regenerates lost minerals and helps us eliminate the remains of medications that remain in our body. This recycling is important because it helps the kidneys to work in better conditions and without having to exert themselves.

I also learned that the only thing that replaces natural water is coconut water, it hydrates our body and provides us with the minerals that water gives us. So from now on, drink plenty of water to keep our kidneys functioning properly and help eliminate impurities from our body.


@alexey1976 @eto-ka @chengjunaya


Traduccion al Español:

Un gran saludo a todos los amigos que participan y que leen los blogs de esta hermosa comunidad, donde podran aprender muchas cosas sobre algunos problemas de salud y como los tratamos por si se les presenta tener que resolover algun caso (ojala que no).

El Juego del Diario y la Salud lo lleva magistralmente nuestra amiga @aaliarubab, cualquiera puede participar en el sugerir algunos consejos para algun tratamiento.

Hoy quiero hablarles del agua, ese mineral tan importante para nuestro cuerpo que algunos no lo toman en cuenta.
Te confieso que yo era una de esas personas que no le prestaba atencion a si el dia habia terminado sin llevarme un sorbo de agua a mi boca, si, no tomaba agua y sobre todo cuando estaba en clima frio no me daba sed.

Pero resulta que ahora con las quimioterapias tenemos que tomar 2 litros de agua al dia como minimo, principalmente durante los 8 dias siguientes a las quimios.

Esto es debido a que con las quimioterapias perdemos muchos minerales que estan contenidos en nuestro cuerpo y que solo pueden ser restablecidos mediante la ingesta del agua.

La marca no es lo importante, puede ser cualquier marca. Solo tiene que ser agua potable y que no este contaminada.

Que hago para no tomar agua contaminada ?

Para asegurarme de que el agua este apta para el consumo y que no me vaya a enfermar yo la hiervo en una olla que tengo especialmente para hervir el agua de mi casa.

Sucedio que varias veces mis nietos se enfermaron del estomago por tomar agua de las botellas grandes que vamos a comprar en los supermercados y resulta que cuando se estaba terminando el agua le veiamos algunos bichitos moviendose en el fondo del botellon, son guasarapas y esto enferma del estomago.

Los pacientes oncologicos podemos enfermarnos con cualquier virus o cualquier cosa que consumamos debido a que tenemos las defensas bajas. Por este motivo nos piden que hirvamos el agua; ademas de eso yo uso estas botellitas para tomar yo sola de alli, no uso vasos de mi casa ya que al haber niños ellos siempre estan engripados o con algun virus.

Esto me ha ayudado a mantenerme fuera de virus, eso si, estas botellitas debo cambiarlas en poco tiempo ya que no son reusables y al usarlas mucho pueden soltar quimicos propios del material plastico con el que estan elaborados ya que no son hechos para reusarlos.

En el tiempo que tengo haciendome este tratamiento he aprendido lo importante que es el agua en nuestro cuerpo ya que regenera los minerales perdidos y nos ayuda a eliminar los restos de medicamentos que nos queda en nuestro cuerpor. Este reciclaje es importante porque ayuda a los riñones a trabajar en mejores comdiciones y sin tener que esforzarce.

Tambien aprendi que lo unico que sustituye al agua natural es el agua de Coco, este hidrata nuestro cuerpo y nos proporciona los minerales que nos da el agua. Asi que de ahora en adelante a tomar mucha agua para tener en buen funcionamiento nuestros riñones y ayudar a eliminar impurezas de nuestro cuerpo.


Thanks for sharing your insights on water and health. Indeed, water is the source of life, and it is important to stay hydrated with clean water, especially during chemotherapy. Maintaining adequate water intake is crucial for the body's recovery and detoxification. Wishing you good health!

 2 months ago 

Thank you for your comment friend.

Thank you, friend!
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 2 months ago 

Thank you very much.

A wonderful contest you have shared .. water is very important for our body. We should use mineral water so we can safe ourselves with diseases

 2 months ago 

Water is an essential mineral we need so much in our body. It's usefulness to the body is in various ways. I too do drink plenty of water in a day. Goodluck

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