The Diary Game - Tuesday 14 May 2024 : My busy day

in Steem For Ladies27 days ago


Assalamualaikum all steemit friends. .!!

This morning I took my niece Asfia back to school because her father was leaving for work and her mother was taking care of her sick baby, so I as her aunt took over for my niece today.

At 08:00 Asfia was already beautiful in her school uniform which was a combination of white and blue. Before going to school we went to Sis Muh's shop to buy Asfia snacks to take to school. She bought peanut sauce noodles, fried dumplings and her favorite sugar candy.

I was also hungry, I wanted to eat noodles. I also bought 4 packs of noodles for everyone at home. After all our orders were ready, I put Asfia's lunch in her bag, we went straight to Asfia's school.

Before going to school I went to buy snacks for Asfia
We passed through junior high school before arriving at Asfia's kindergarten school, I took him to the front gate, he shook hands with me and kissed my hand, he immediately walked towards his class, I immediately turned around to go home immediately.

When I got home I took a spoon to enjoy the fried noodles that I bought at Sis Muh's stall, the fried noodles were very delicious with a mixture of peanut sauce in them, my stomach was full, I relaxed for a while playing on my cellphone and then cleaned up my bedroom.

At 10:15 I went to the puskesmas with my mother, today there was a second examination by the doctor, my mother had eye pain because cataracts were growing in her eyes, so she had to be examined and a referral was made for surgery until the schedule came out, I went on a motorbike about five minutes away.


Asfia arrives at school

I followed my mother to the queue to get the card. After that, my mother waited in the patient queue. It was very busy, there were no empty seats, I couldn't stand there for long, finally I told my mother that I would wait for her at the front.

I walked to the front of the hospital. I saw there were empty chairs but there were several men sitting so I looked for another place. I saw there were empty chairs outside the hospital, located right in front of the hospital.

I sat there waiting for my mother to finish. I waited with very sleepy eyes. You know the very boring thing is waiting, but that's my mother. As a child, I will do anything for my mother.

sat waiting for mother to finish being examined
My mother finished at 11:00, i got up from my seat. I wanted to go in to see my mother. When I arrived at the entrance, my mother had already come out. I immediately started the motorbike to go home.

The weather was so hot that I was very hot, my mother and I stopped buying mixed ice which was sold at the fish market, the health center was close to the Tanah Pasir market. We bought two mixed ices and paid only 10,000, I was so thirsty I just drank while riding the motorbike.

I arrived home, Asfia was already home from school with the neighbor's children. When I arrived home, she was playing with her friends. I was also very tired. I went into my room to lie down and straighten my waist. It cannot be denied that age has a big influence hahaha.


The atmosphere in the hospital was very busy

It was noon, after eating, I took a shower, then prayed midday prayers and prayed as usual. Today there was a distribution of free rice at the sub-district office. After midday prayers, I had to get ready again to take my mother to go get rice.

The sub-district office is close to the front of the community health center that we went to this morning but in the village we took it during the day, because there are many villages to collect rice for one sub-district so we have to queue and share the time to avoid crowding.

My mother and I went after noon time, if the pick-up was in the morning then it would have been perfect, after going to the puskesmas, we would have gone straight to the sub-district head's office but unfortunately that wasn't the case hahaha I had to go back and forth to the puskesmas and sub-district office twice in the morning and afternoon, that was the situation which was not in my favor.

arrived home and sat enjoying the mixed ice that I bought
We arrived at the village sub-district office, we queued, my mother went straight in with a letter that needed to be given to the committee, I sat in a chair waiting for my mother to be ready to queue, not long after my mother finished we went to the car, distributed rice, brought a letter that had been signed by the committee, one sack of rice was given to us.

I put the rice in front of us on the motorbike to go home, when I got home I took the rice to the kitchen, I immediately went into my room, locked the door, and I rested until the afternoon

I woke up very late in the afternoon, I immediately took a shower, then prayed the afternoon prayer and saw my nephew baby Al who was sick in his room, he had been sick with a fever for two days, his body was very weak, I picked him up and took him for a walk in front of the house while waiting for his mother to prepare rice for him.


When picking up rice in front of the sub-district office

My nephew ate rice and took medicine but unfortunately after taking the medicine he immediately vomited what he had eaten earlier,I was very sad to see my nephew who was sick, I prayed that he would recover quickly and smile as usual again.

When night came I carried my sick nephew into my room and put him to sleep in the bed, I let his mother rest for a while because she was very tired all day taking care of her baby, I kept my nephew sleeping next to him because he was very easily startled, so when he was startled I could pat his thigh and he fell asleep again.

Around 21:00 my nephew woke up and went into his room to drink milk and sleep again, I went to the evening prayer and rested, that's it for my game diary for today, thank you to all friends who have visited and read it, have a nice day.

Diary Game, Tuesday 14 May 2024 By @pecintabunga20

 26 days ago 

Your diary game represents that on Tuesday morning, you took your niece Asfia to school because her parents were busy. She is looked beautiful in her white and blue uniform. You both stopped in Sis Muh's shop to get snacks and noodles. After dropping Asfia at school, you enjoyed your noodles at home and then cleaned up the room. Later, you went with your mother to the health center for her cataract check-up it show us that you really take care of your parents. It was being crowded and you waited outside. After your mother's check-up, you bought iced drinks and headed to your home. Asfia was already home, playing with friends. I wish quick recovery your nephew.


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 22 days ago 

Thank you @wilmer1988 for upvoting my comments. I will do more comments to draw your attention.

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 27 days ago 
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Thank you for sharing your day with us. Indeed it was a busy day for you. So sorry to hear about your mother's eyes, I hope she gets better. Also I hope your nephew babe get well soon. Cheers…..

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 27 days ago 

Thank you very much for your comments and good prayers, good prayers will also come back to you.

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Curated by : @wilmer1988

 22 days ago 

Thank you for the support @wilmer1988

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