Food Thought #4| Living a fulfilled life!

in Steem For Ladieslast month


Food thought has become a weekly entry that I feel should be brought to users on this platform to help us know who we are and be able to live our lives to the fullest.

A lot of people are down emotionally, spiritually, and otherwise. They need to be motivated to keep them moving and pushing. This is the fourth installment of the series, and I hope to continue with it to help some dying souls...

If you missed last week's, please find it here and gain your feet.

Living a fulfilled life is God's plan for his people. Do you know what a fulfilled life means? It means being perfectly alive, filled with purpose and satisfaction, involving vision, and requiring intensive alignment.

Doing things that leave your legacy going even when you are no more is a fulfilling life. What will you be remembered for? Are you happy with the life you live today? Living a fulfilled life is what everyone wants for themselves, but it's so unfortunate the way people misunderstand living a fulfilled life.

To live a more fulfilled life, the journey starts from within. First, have you identified who you really are? In the first edition of food thought, it says; Be mindful of who you are. When you don't find your feet on the ground, the world will mess you up, people would rubbish your life.

You want to live a fulfilled life and you don't know what you carry, you don't know your God, you can't define who you are? then you are not ready to living a fulfilled life.

I will keep saying this; everything is not money. Living a fulfilled life has nothing to do with money but it has everything to do with you!

Ask yourself these three questions: Who are you? What do you stand for? And who would you like to be? If you can visualise this person and try to be this person, then your journey to a fulfilled life has commenced.


Let me share few steps to living a fulfilled life

🔹Identify who you really are

For journey of life to be fulfilled, you must identify those things that means to be you. There are things that describe you, there is a grace you carry, there are spirits you possess. There is a daughter or son of who you are, know what you carry and what you are alive for. Whatever we do in the outer world begins in the inner world.

🔹Let go of past experiences

Past experiences would do nothing than to hunt you down. Let go, forgive yourself and move on. Stop living in your past while you walk in the present. Understanding the things that held you back from living a fulfilled life would help you set things right in the future.

🔹Look out for yourself first

It is difficult to live a fulfilled life when our life is in a poor state. There is what we call self-care, it involves taking care of your spiritual, mental and physical health. You can't ask a sick person to take care of another person, it has to be a healthy person that would take care of another. Take care of yourself with the little you have and appreciate that little.

🔹Practice empathy and compassion

One way to practice this is through the act of kindness. Kindness begat kindness and trust me, there is no other way to grow than when you help others to grow. Learn to appreciate life from another person's point of view. Let you legacy lives on in someone's life.

🔹Never stop learning

Life is a process of continuous learning – the moment you stop learning, you are dead. There is always something new to discover each day; you just need to get out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

🔹Be a giver personified

A life directed to the fulfillment of personal desires ends up in bitter disappointment. True fulfillment entails taking responsibility of making others happy and contributing immensely to improving the world. "Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, press down, shaking together shall men bring unto you." If you are a giver, then you carry love.

🔹Be grateful always!

Always acknowledge the live you have, the good that accompany it, the grace on your life, and all the good your life has got. To grateful means to be satisfied with your life, don't wish for another's life when you have thousands of things to be grateful for.

While you are still living, focus on becoming that version of yourself to living a fulfilled life. Step out of your shell, gain your feet, discover your purpose on earth and run your life. Don't let others run it for you. Live your life while you can!

Until next week, bye👋!


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Good luck!

 last month 

What an interesting article! I think this is one on the best up lifting articles I have seen in a while. Thank you for doing this.

 29 days ago 

Thank you for reading through ma

 29 days ago 
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Saludos gracias por compartir tan interesante post con nosotros, sin duda vivir a plenitud se puede decir que el mundo se tienen aflicciones y muchas personas pueden que no esten viviendo a plenitud, pero como bien dices se debe poner los pies sobre la tierra, eso es parte de tener identidad y si la tenemos estoy seguro que todo marchara mucho mejor, el dinero no lo es todo, pero si también tiene su cierto grado de importancia, creo fielmente aquí que para vivir a plenitud debemos de tener un verdadero encuentro con Dios.

 26 days ago 

Hello @ninapenda,

Wow, the best article I have read today. You have really laid out the facts very well.

It was so interesting and fascinating that I didn't want to stop reading.
Best wishes for your continued writing. Waiting for your next article.❤️

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