Choices! What will it be? #56

in Steem For Ladieslast month

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Greetings my gorgeous lady and friends, I surely believe you're all in good condition and living a good life with the steem blockchain. The contest, Choices! What will it be? #56 have really draw my attention and I'm here to present my entry to y'all.

We all had experienced the small or wide environment pupils/student went everyday just to acquire knowledge. Yes I'm referring to school and everything involved, here I draw my attention and focus solely on Classroom.

Definition of classroom.


Just like the name implied classroom, it is a small square or rectangle room where pupils/student gather to acquire knowledge. A class room is always busy from Monday to Friday which school days are active/schedule.

In every classroom, the pupils/student inside are always entitled to receive cain if misbehave or act illiterate, for this reason discipline is always considered to help a child concentrate and to promote a better education environment to a child.

Every child deserves to experience classroom because apart from charity which begins from home, others subjects and varieties of skills such as understanding, discipline, how to solve problems and the likes of them are all taught in school. Every classroom has a variety of tools that made teaching to looks easy and comforting. Let's demonstrate them in a tabular form.

Tools found in a classroom.Uses.
Chalk board.A chalk board is a black or white board use to write down important lessons.
Chalk.A chalk is a white slim stick use to write on a chalk board.
Duster.Duster is a small clothing texture combine in a rectangle sharp to clean chalk on the board.
Cain.Cain is use to discipline the students who tend to illiterate in the classroom.
Chair.Chair are the Wooden craft which student sit to obtain knowledge in a classroom.

I've now cite out some of the tool's that are available in a classroom. These tool's are very crucial and each of them has their special uses which makes teaching interesting and a bit more easier.

My first day in secondary school classroom.

My first day in secondary school classroom was full of surprises and wonders. Throughout my school tenure in primary school, I sat on a long chair that contains approximately three to four people and it was free if charge, i was used to the lifestyle.

The first day I stepped my feet in secondary school classroom, everyone was single on their locker making it comfortable for them. Also different teachers came to taught different subjects whereas in my primary school, it was one teacher against every subject in a single class.

This one was creepy. After the second teacher left, the seniors came and everyone stood up to offer them greetings which I also joined the queve. Unfortunately the seniors started collecting the juniors students belongings and I was really scared.

I couldn't understand as everything was strange and wonders. Throughout the day I couldn't sat down as no one wanted to share he or her seat with me except one teen who sat next to where i stand. She shared her seat with me kindly and I was happy, she told me everything I needed to know and I began to understand how things goes at secondary. Everything was changed from my primary school and I said to myself it's Time to learn new things and new environment.

Why learning in a classroom is important.


It doesn't matter the size of a classroom, every classroom has the potential to produce a great leader of tomorrow. Every classroom has the potential to produce a great doctor and nurses. Learning in a classroom is beneficial because it provides several professional people's of different types.

Classroom play a great roles when it comes to educating pupils/student. For instance, we're able to stay in this steemit space because of the knowledge we obtained, the ability to read and understand, we acquire all in a classroom. We might have learned in a small, big or dirty classroom but we can't deny the fact that the things we learned are the reason we're here today.

In conclusion, a classroom is a small or larger space pupils/student stay to obtain knowledge in the school. We all haf benefited from a classroom because it is the impact and the available tools in a classroom that keeps us in this steemit space therefore i believe we hold classroom allegiance.

I extend my humble invitation to @fortwis09 @bessie2023 and @alli001 to participate in this contest.
Cc: @ngoenyi @patjewell.
10% to steemladies.


Best regards KIDI40
 last month 
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Damas de Steem10%
Contenido de IAHumano
Recuento de palabras744

Saludos gracias por compartir tu participación con nosotros en el concurso, sin duda el aula de clase es ese espacio que se acondiciona para que allí se pueda impartir conocimientos, y allí se crean muchos lazos tanto de aprendizaje como de amistad y es muy bello lo que se vive en el aula de clases.

 last month 

Thank you for the invite, I really enjoy reading your post. I will do well to write on the contest

 last month 

Oh yes! The classroom is one of those building blocks children need to lay the foundation of who they will become one day. It plays a vital role in their lives.
Thank you for taking part!
I wish you all the best!

Thanks for adding value to my post, I really appreciate grandma.🤗

 last month 


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