Heroes of Mavia Updates 07 May 2024steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Gaming27 days ago

Heroes of Mavia Updates 07 May 2024

My first post of my base in Heroes of Mavia

Heores of Mavia is a web3 game that is similar to Clash of Clans.
I have been playing Clash of Clans for years and I am glad that a similar game is available in web3.

Quick Gameplay Explanation

  • Build defenses and upgrading them to higher levels to fight off enemy's attack.
  • Train and upgrade troops and weapons to win and attack to enemy bases.
  • Earn real money by collecting rubies.


In “Heroes of Mavia,” players can earn real money through the in-game currency called Rubies. Rubies are a form of cryptocurrency that players can accumulate by engaging in various activities within the game, such as attacking other players’ bases and successfully defending their own.

Here’s how the process works:

  • Collecting Rubies: Players earn Rubies by participating in battles and completing missions. They can also be rewarded with Rubies for their performance in ranked modes and through daily activities.
  • Ruby Marketplace: The game features a Ruby Marketplace, which is expected to have an order book in the game’s native governance token, $MAVIA. This allows players to trade their assets, including Rubies, using $MAVIA tokens.
  • Trading Rubies: Players can trade their accumulated Rubies for $MAVIA tokens, which can then be exchanged for fiat currency on various cryptocurrency exchanges, thus converting their in-game earnings into real-world money.

The game’s play-to-earn model is designed to provide a sustainable ecosystem where players can potentially profit from their strategic gameplay and participation in the game’s economy. It’s important to note that the value of Rubies, like any cryptocurrency, can fluctuate based on market conditions.


The game also includes a governance token, MAVIA, which allows players to vote on decisions affecting the game’s ecosystem, adding a layer of community-driven development.

My Based

This is my base as of today.

Heroes of Mavia - 07 May 2024.jpg

I will try to update my progress frequently. Come and join in the fun!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 69828.11
ETH 3825.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.55