SEC17/W4|"Gift that can impress me."

in Incredible Indialast month
Hello my fellow Steemians,

Last week I ended my weekly challenge in Incredible India, and this week I am commencing it from here with its fourth engagement challenge topic of SEC-17/W4 "Gift that can impress you!" I may sound a bit different, but that's how I feel!

How do you feel dear @alejos7ven @solperez and @suboohi about your gifts?


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What is the preferred gift that can impress you? The reason behind your choice

Life in itself is a gift given to us by the Almighty. There can be no better gift than life, as gifts keep changing according to the circumstances or are given only as per the occasion, but life always remains the same. Our lives are a very special gift for us. We can live our lives as per our wishes.

Life is the best gift we get as soon as we are born. Despite living amidst the confusing questions of life changing from time to time though, some people still make it precious. The one who knows why life is a precious gift and how it can be made more beautiful and meaningful with the determination of regular practice.

Every morning, every day, we receive the gift of life. It doesn't come in a beautiful package or on a platter, so we often don't understand its value. Most people do not have the joy of this gift as much as they should. But if you accept this gift with love and use it well every day, it means that you respect the giver, i.e., nature or the one whom you believe in.

The only condition to keep this gift intact is that we should understand its rules. Life keeps changing, and amidst the ups and downs, we have to manage the monotony arising from it. If we stop trusting in life means we do not trust the laws of nature.

Things do not change as per our wishes, but we keep trying. We constantly train our mind so it can make life a joyful gift. It is important to be self-aware that life is testing us at every moment. Those who are conscious of their lives never stop trying, even in bad situations or problems. That's how they get the best gifts life has to offer. Remember, if you accept your weaknesses, you should also appreciate your strengths. If you do this, then you are giving yourself the best gift.



Do you believe the gift is a gesture that sometimes helps to enhance our relationships?

Impulse control means health, peace, and happiness. How precious are these three gifts? During times of disaster, we might need them even more. All our efforts are focused on these three, but if these are not there in our lives, then it's a lack of self-awareness. One needs different things to consider, but first of all, we should include these gifts in our life.

Keep these things in mind: Life is like a camera; the more you focus on it, the better the picture will be. When we consider it to be only a painful struggle, this feeling will cause pain in the mind. When you consider these gifts as precious, you will start feeling joy in everything.

If you know your strengths and weaknesses, then you will be able to focus only on things that will take life towards betterment. This applies to pretty much everything, including what you choose every day. If we can take adequate steps when a challenge arises, this is our best gift.

We are all different; we all have our journeys, so it is futile to compare ourselves with others. This might increase your anxiety. We should not waste our time worrying about what is not available to us, but just look at what is there, because people called successful and great have made good use of their knowledge. We should not allow failure to bother us; rather, see to it as a lesson to do better. If we can do that, that will be the best gift for us.

Have you ever received any gift that is still memorable to you; Share if you have any stories.

I feel that, just as gifts given to others make them happy, similarly gifts given to ourselves also make us happy. The gift we give ourselves boosts our self-confidence. There is a saying that money can't buy happiness or that inner strength is required to have self-confidence.

All these things have different values, but the gifts you give yourself really give you happiness. Whenever I do any work that takes a lot of hard work or a lot of time, I give myself a gift as soon as I finish it so that I can complete my next with more confidence.

A gift given to oneself can be anything, it does not necessarily have to be an object. It could be a feeling that you might call a dream, a plan, or something else. My greatest gift to myself is the book I started writing a long time ago. When I first started this, I thought it was the best gift I could ever give to myself.

I have given many gifts before, and there is a different joy in giving gifts to myself. I still think that when I go back to India, I will complete the rest of my travels and my book. And when this is done, I will feel that I have done something in my life, which will become my biggest gift.

I said that you can call the gift you give yourself a dream, a plan, or something else. Give yourself gifts and praise yourself in front of yourself. The basic objective is that your confidence should increase and that you should make yourself happy. No one else gives you better gifts than yourself.



Just think! You are running on a track, and the whole stadium full of people behind you is calling your name and chanting, "You can do it," and feeling how much energy you get. It seems that we can, but winning is not as important for me as it is to win for the hopes of those chanting for me. That's going to be the best gift for me if I live up to their expectations.

The same thing is happening here as well. I am running my own life. I am running for myself. I want to win the race and make myself happy by living up to my own expectations. This gift will be better than all the other gifts I have received so far. This is my life, and this is the best gift that I will love the most.


Thanks for reading
 last month 

Tiene mucha razon al decir que la vida que nos a dado dios todopoderoso es una bendicion un verdadero regalo, los regalos van llegando a nuestras vidas dependiendo de las circuatancias o de ese momento especial.

Tiene razon que la vida nos pone aprueba, el control de los impulsos significa salud, paz y felicidad esas tres palabras me gusta escicharlas porque siempre debemos tener esas tres cosas para estar feliz con tan hermoso regalo.

Es tan importante dar, recibir y darnos a nosotros mismos un regalo que simboliza nuestra confianza, y eso es verdad el dinero no compra la felicidad.

Thank you very much for reading the message I was trying to deliver. We get tons of gifts in our lives but the real gift we get from the almighty is life itself.

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Curated by : @𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖺𝖽𝗂

Very apt...! Of course, gestures in the form of gifts are also very nice; I don't know anyone who isn't happy about them. But: we give ourselves the real gifts - with our determination and dedication to certain ideas and plans, we realise ourselves.

You see materialistic gifts come and go and we soon forget them. But if we know the importance of real gifts in life they will change our outlook but that sense probably comes as we age 😉

 last month 

Hello sir, @dove11
I had the good fortune of reading your detailed philosophy about gifts through this competition, after reading it I felt as if I had returned after diving into an ocean of knowledge. You have presented this topic in this competition with your deep philosophical understanding. I had a wonderful feeling.
May God give you a sharper edge to your pen and may you progress.
With respect and honor.

Thanks for reading and for your kind support! I am sure you will come up with a lot better post in this community. My best wishes.

We always forget about the gift that God gave us; you are true that happiness, health, and peace are the most important keys on our journey through life.
I'm glad you looked at the gift in a new light. Good luck in the contest.

Thanks for being here and agreeing with my idea of gifts from Nature and what God gave us when sending us to this earth. Actually early gifts attract us but what Mother Earth has on offer is unmatched. Thank you so much!

You are welcome my friend.

Quizás nos encontremos en esa tienda que se llama vida para comprar y regalarnos a nosotros mismos el placer de soñar, de vivir en paz y de emprender, en cada segundo de nuestra existencia, proyectos que nos hagan reír y gritar a los cuatro vientos: ¡Estoy vivo!

Me encantó tu participación. Ya estaré haciendo la mía, aunque sé que me costará superar esta, jeje. Suerte.

Thank you so much, I know you will come up with something much better than this. My best wishes in advance.

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.

Curated by : @𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖺𝖽𝗂

Thank you @𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖺𝖽𝗂, much appreciated 👍

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