Vlog 454: The power is in communities.

in Threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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One of the things I like to do is think about the future of Steem/Steemit and start to position myself for a Steem future that I see coming.

Individual blogging (for STEEM) on steemit.com will get a lot harder moving forward. Why? Because you will be competing with whole communities.

I believe earning (STEEM) within a community is the future. And not necessarily from the reward pool.

The next logical step therefore on my Steem journey is to create a community with others and grow it the moment that feature goes live.

I talk about it more in my vlog.

Another topic I cover is Appics. This is the time to post, I would highly recommend you do so!

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Yes let’s get Beyoncé on the chain ASAP! Out of any dapp that uses steem I see APPICS as the most likely to get Beyoncé on the platform. Underrated dapp!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha! Yes! Wouldn't that be something! It's a fantastic App!

that would be perfect!

i like soda water, ice tea's and bbq's. Sign me up :)

As I think about it more and more I am starting to worry about how difficult it is going to be to split your time between so many communities. I mean, if you are really just focused on one or two areas, it might not be that hard. I however am all over the place when it comes to my interests, so I can see how it will become more and more difficult to use my limited time to it's fullest extent on the STEEM blockchain. Do you think there will be an easy way to account for that?

It's very easy to skip from community to community on the Beta of Steemit.com so I don't see it as much of a problem.

Okay, I will check it out when I get some time.

Hey Mark,
I see it from the same angle like you!
Splitting up the "crowd" into topics will change the motivation to engage and post.
I also started a community "video" (https://beta.steemit.com/trending/hive-178335), i am not sure if the topic is to broad but i'll see how it will develop.
I think a game changer would be a individual coin for every community, to promote posts in example. Do you know if something like that is planned?
p.s. already joined your community :)

Welcome to the BDF community :)

I think a game changer would be a individual coin for every community, to promote posts in example. Do you know if something like that is planned?

I'm hoping a community can have their own token. Not 100% sure atm but I assume so.

Thanks for having me :) cheers

Yeah communities seem pretty fun. I just made one, for people who use the Actifit app, “Actifitters” community 😄🚀

Great! Spread the news :)

I’m working on that part now 😄 I also just made one for all the “Steem Dads” on the blockchain 👨‍👦

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You've already posted about your BBQ n drinks at least a half dozen times.. Must you all incessantly say the same shit over n over again because of how this place works? FFS No shit u think about the future of steem and how to position yourself, that is in fact all you've ever posted about ever...

Posted using Partiko Android

I think that these are good arguments about about the future direction of Steemit as it relates to communities and the importance there of. I especially find interesting the concept of advertising revenue sharing within communities. I personally would see get rich quick schemes kept to an absolute minimum and the emergence of steady stream high quality content from communities powered by the Steem blockchain.

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