SEC-S17 /W6| "🌸What do You Prefer to do in Your Leisure Time?"

in Steem For Pakistan15 days ago

Adulthood is full of responsibilities and sometimes, leisure time is very important to balance this part of lifestyle by taking a break to experience true happiness and healthy life. Opportunity to relax, connect with friends, go for physical exercise or sports, engage in favourite hobbies like reading, singing, listening to music, painting, writing and play games.

There are benefits attached to making use of leisure time and they include; personal growth, physical health, mental stimulation and stress relief.

I will choose my preferred activities during leisure time by picking from the questions given by the community.

Reading a Book or Listening to Music

Reading keeps my mind relax and calm although, music does same but I prefer reading books because it a good source of knowledge and learning during leisure time. When you think of self growth then you will understand my point of view and reason for my preference.

IMG_4023.jpegMy image
Use of Social Media; Instagram or Facebook

During my free time, I like to log in my instagram to watch reels, check my business page, learn from my colleagues. Another social media I make use of is WhatsApp. I have more audience on my WhatsApp, I chat with my friends, post funny meme on my status and view some interesting posts from others. I prefer Instagram to Facebook actually.

IMG_4021.jpegMy image: Screenshot from home screen
A Movie Night with Friends or Family

I love movie night with friends because it is more fun seeing movies and expressing yourself with friends than family. There are some certain leisure time that is best to share with family but movie night is best with friends for me. I can have a rethink when I'm married. Hahah.....

Pet or Nature
IMG_4039.jpegPixabayIMG_3591.jpegSmartie enjoying my touch

Nature gives me inner peace, when I stand close to the nature, there is always renewal of strength. Although, I am stocked in-between choosing pet and nature. I like pet as well but for the purpose of this contest, I will go with nature. Thank you!

I will invite @eliany @mvchacin and @josepha to join the contest.

 15 days ago 

My dear friend

You have described your post very well and of course we have no free time to enjoy but often if we do have we got it and wanted to enjoy it upto best ways.

I love to know that if you have a given chance to choose between music and reading books you will shows reading books and I really appreciate and acknowlede you choose reading books not to get information and knowledge from the books and also get mental peace and relaxation.

Good luck

 14 days ago 

Thank you for reading my article carefully and dropping valuable comment!

 15 days ago 

Greetings my dear sister
So here we can see that you are really interested in reading the books and also you send reels to your friends on Instagram and this is the basic thing that's why you prefer over Facebook I also personally love watching these and share is with my friends because they are most compatible to our daily life that is shown on our feed.
You stay close to the nature and also your dog named smartie. No doubts animal are very loyal with us especially dogs.

 14 days ago 

Thank you for your valuable feedback

 15 days ago 

You have business page on Instagram? May I know the name of that page? I mean what kind of business you do there? Music is always good and stress buster, I love to sing also. Yes some categories and now there are many movies comes which can not seen with family so friends can be best choise

 14 days ago 

Yes. I render hair care services. Hair_by_lynah is the handle. Thank you for visiting my blog!

 14 days ago 

Hair care services like Hair extensions and Hair patches and shampoos etc . This is good business and this is power of social media. So we use social media in this way that it can be fruitful for us.

 14 days ago 

Please what’s “good” about the post? You can always highlight what attracts you in the article and make it more comprehensive. Anyways, thanks for visiting my blog.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen
 14 days ago 

Many thanks @sduttaskitchen for the support 🙏🏻

 14 days ago 

hey dear your explained aproach to leisure time is trully inspired Its wonderful to see how you prioritise activity that brings personally the growth and relaxetion like reading and conecting with nature. wishing you the best of luck in the contest.

 13 days ago 

Very good thing you do in your free time best of luck for future


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