
I don´t know, as I had my question about it. It doesn´t matter which way around you are going to formulate it. I don´t know, why it would, or why it wouldn´t matter. It´s just like it is.
I just had a look at the website, as you told me, but it doesn´t tell me anything, nor does it touch me. So, i think it´s not for me, thats all. It says:
"If you feel CALLED to live and embody these words, then Womb Awakening is the path for you" - well, I do a lot what is named in this "vow", but I don´t feel called. I also do not feel the need to bring it down to the womb. I also do not make "vowes" as we know already, that "vows" can be troublemaker in the future, or, even confusing next life.

So, better you tell me why, or why not, should it matter that receptivity and surrender are reflected in our wombs?

Wow this seems to bring some fire up in you does it not?
I ask the question that way around because it makes more sense to me like that. For me it is so obvious that a life giving organ (the womb) has a place in our spirituality, that the question 'Why would it matter?' seems like a weird one to me and straight away brings on the opposite question: Why not? I think it matters because the womb is the physical centre for qualities like receiving and surrender. Just as the heart is the physical centre for love. It can be used as a key by focussing on the physical centre to access those qualities if you 'feel called' but by all means don't if you don't feel like it. ;-)

acctually, no fire. I am interested why it is so important to you, or this group of woman. I just never saw it that way. I am checking, if I´ve missed something, thats the aspect of openess.
I can focus on surrendering and receiving without focussing on the physical center, on one side. The other point is about this: I only wonder, how it can be such a centering focus, that it makes them even call themthelves "womb priestesses". It is one aspect of the goddess. Why not "heart priestess", or liver priestess. It´s just another concept, and I am tired of getting indoctrinated by another concepts. The world is full of concepts. I can´t take the receiving and surrender aspect of the goddess more important than other aspects. Althought there might be times in our life, where it seems to be more important. :-)

It would indeed stay a hollow concept if you are not interested to investigate what a conscious connection with your womb would be like. And yeah who needs hollow concepts, it's all about experience. So I can't really explain it to you any further then this and also don't see the point as you're not really open I feel. The priestess vow is just people stating for themselves what works for them, I don't really get how you would interpret that as indoctrination, but I don't need to. You don't like it that's fine.

I feel sorry about it, as I was expecting you explaining it to me. And I was curious to learn about it. But to me it seems, whether the webside, nor You, are telling me whats the point about it. But, as you say, it is fine. I appretiate your try, and if it matters for me, it will come back to me. :-) I guess, I just have different issues right at the time. For example: money. To get a experience in this matter, you really need to have a lot of money for one of this workshops, or privat counsel.
About Indoctrination: Perhaps, it not the right word, as english is not my first language. Any concepts became to me indoctrinations.

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