The Scenario Composite - An Original Novel - Part 1- Mighty

in #writing8 years ago

The music bumped in the background to a melodic beat as he moved his head back and forth. Not too much, because he couldn't express joy and pleasure, just to let himself and everyone know he was feelin' it. A gust of smoke passed by his face from the left, causing him to look out of the corner of his eye. He took a hit from his 'Port to counter the smoke before glancing further.

"Man, that was some straight up bullshit you pulled last game, Mighty"

Mighty slowly looked up from his glass of fresh rum and Coke while starting to grin. A deep and powerful booming voice was always signature for when Rich was around. There was always a smile on his face, but Mighty just never knew when he was being honest or just bullshitting. Truly a guarded soul.

"It's cool, Rich. If you can't handle the heat, get the fuck out the kitchen, son. Seriously tho, how is the room looking tonight?", Mighty said.

Rich glanced around the room and noticed it was a typical early Wednesday at the Vine, couple of locals from the "just got out of work" crew and daytime alcoholics were about tabbed out. Mighty was just finishing his first rum and coke and the local hustlers, grinders and cakeboys were starting to file in. Not much overlap, not much talk between the two shifts, as their tabs operated almost as punch cards for your typical 9 to 5. 

"Still too early, but I've been watchin'. Vanessa!" said Rich with authority, "Get my man over here a beer. Let him enjoy his moment of glory before I beat that ass."

Vanessa strolled over to the cooler, with a sideways glare, picked up a bottle of Budweiser and popped the cap off the top on the side of the bar. She clanged it on the bar next to Mighty, as a little foam poured up the top, enough to be a nuissance, but just enough to where another one couldn't be demanded. She waddled back down to the short bar stool behind the bar and resumed texting on her phone. Mighty slammed down his R&C glass angrily, glared at Vanessa and wiped the froth off of the top of the new brew.

"So what's poppin' off tonight, Rich? I heard them CMFOs have been rolling through deep the past few weeks in our neighborhood. Everything sorted out with them?"

Rich bit his lip, and looked away and started acting like he didn't hear Mighty's question. After a sip of his drink and a few hits off of his 'Port, he glared into Mighty's eyes for a full two seconds that could have passed for an hour.

"It's all gravy baby, no losses. It's good."

Rich looked down at his phone and gave Mighty the nod. 


Rich started to head away as if he had a call to take.


All of my money goes to steem power. Look at my wallet for proof.

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