Sorry about the monsters

in #writing6 years ago

When I write I tend to get somewhat carried away a bit plus, I like to give a full picture while not spelling absolutely everything out. Some things take more words than others but I am pretty wordy in general because as I write, I am also building my own image of the environment, I am able to adjust my own views and actions to come. Currently, the more I think about the changes made to the system, the more excited I become about the potential future. There is a great deal of uncertainty and most of what I write is observational which means it is conjecture and opinion and it takes a fair bit of my thought as much of it lies in areas I am uncomfortable with. As a result, my last two posts have been 1700 and 1600 words respectively.

Sorry about the monsters.

I really do try to be shorter with my words as I am mindful of time in general, my own is paramount of course. It takes a great amount of it to write some of these articles but regardless of whether it earns 1 dollar or 100 dollars, I feel that they add value to the platform, if only to the people who can make it through as they tend to be of the type that require audience thought participation. This has a knock-on effect of course and the more active support the less as they tend to become the more influential on the platforms.

What I try to do when I write about Steem is bring in some perspectives that people might not have been thinking about in that way on topics that might be common. Steem is always shifting so if we only take the common view based on what is possible, we can miss the potential a tweak or two might bring. For example, while people are worrying about a few thousand people not having access today without powering up, they don't necessarily see that a few million could have access now in a few months from now without powering up. Not that a few million will be here in a few months.

But as I see 'valuable content' on Steem at the moment is and always has been of the sort that makes people think about their position in this world. This is content anywhere of course in my opinion. Value for me of course doesn't mean payout, although it is nice when it is recognized monetarily also. There is a future and conversation beyond that level of thinking, even though economic value is very important and highly relevant in this world currently and impacts my life heavily daily.

Once people start thinking more widely about some of the use cases of Steem in the world, changes on the system and how their very lives can be affected, they tend to become much more actively invested in the platform because the social and economic implications are huge. The future potential of Steem and Steem similar processes are enormous.

So yeah, I am sorry for the monster posts but I do think that if given a chance and a read, they can help someone better understand and develop their own approach for the place even if a lot of it is speculation and conjecture. The reason is that all of the future is speculation and conjecture and what makes it a reality or not is how we act and behave in the present moment based on what we think the future might hold.

At the very least though my writing helps me develop a view of the platform that I am not getting from other posts completely, it is my psychological and emotional buy-in process and even though there are waves of positive and negative, the trend is upward. I enjoy this a lot and I know that people say write for the audience but I feel that if I am not connected to what I write, it is disingenuous and comes across as shallow.

The beauty of the platform is that no one need to read anything anyone else writes. If it is too long or complex, there are plenty of other authors out there less wordy. We are free in what we create and free in what we consume on Steem and that makes it pretty awesome in and of itself.

Read on, or don't but I will keep writing on regardless :)

[ a Steem original ]


Keep writing! :)

People who enjoy your content will read it, regardless of the length (although a 5 word post may not be very enjoyable .. unless they're the right 5 words!). I personally read your posts when I am able to find the time to read them. Of course, that means my chances for curation rewards may suffer because sometimes I may not vote on an article of yours until after I read it through completely ... other times I just don't find your articles until I'm well past the curation period ... but that doesn't bother me.

I'm not trying to curate high dollar posts at the 30 15 minute mark every time; I'm here to upvote the content that I feel are the most interesting / best for the platform. Curation rewards are just a bonus for being on here. Too many people have focused on the rewards aspect for too long that the reason why Steemit draws so many people (no ads or corporate agenda) has been set aside for profit.

Yep. The reward aspect has been made worse by the buying of delegation and the like because people 'have to think' and make their ROI. Meh, I vote as I read and enjoy.

If you noticed I hardly read your posts immediately after release these days. Figured they are too long so might as well spend time reading properly when am done with

It is part of what makes you unique though,you don't have to stop for anyone

You remind me daily, of how I can improve...
( I obviously speed read this post, which is one my problems when writing - The depth you go into makes it much better. I know I need to improve that side of my own writing).
Impatience is a bugger!

Impatience is a bugger!

Damn straight. :D

Apology accepted :)

If they were 1700 words of nonsense then fair enough, but that's not the case at all. In fact, I find myself at your blog most days, learning or giving me ideas about all sorts. If only I could put them down as coherently.

Apology accepted :)

Captain Needa.

I don't know where I am going to hide the typing strategist monkey I have at steemfest :D

I guess it will be a week of 'posted from phone' blogs? This will be the case for me. I'm thinking #snippetsfromsteemfest to excuse myself for the shorter posts :)


1,600-1,700 words ... too long? Are you insane ... I have replies to comments longer than that? I'm not kidding.

There's no right length. A thing ought be as long, or as short, as it takes to explain well. Shakespeare's plays are 3-4 hours long.


lol. well, 'sorry, not sorry'. you definitely take it to a new level :D


I'm putting together a proposal to change the manner of compensation on Steemit ... Pay-Per-Word, comments included. Within a week, I'll be a Whale. Can I count on your support? :-)


micro pay per word and I'd still have no VP.


Pay-Per-Word, brother, that's our ticket. You stick with me, and in a month, you can forget the Lambos ... you'll own a pyramid. :-)


This is what engagement should look like and reading your posts inspires me to continue engaging as well as provides ideas for where this can lead to. I only recently found your posts and can say that it is a great value to the platform as O seldom see this much engaging and thoughts in the comments section. It helps visualize the vision and potential of the ecosystem being created.

This is what engagement should look like and reading your posts inspires me to continue engaging as well as provides ideas for where this can lead to.

It has taken a while to get here but I still consider myself lucky that I receive such great comments and discussions. Sometimes they are uncomfortable topics but even then people tend to want to work things out rather than fight. The way it should be.

It helps visualize the vision and potential of the ecosystem being created.

It helps it for me also which I think is necessary to keep it without blowing what I don't myself think about and believe in as a potential.

You do it well I always read you although I do not always tell you but read I like it I do it when I have free time

I also like the advice you give and I know what is your point of view but it is always good to read you and I can tell you that I have learned a lot from you and your words make sense

What I try to do when I write about Steem is bring in some perspectives that people might not have been thinking about in that way on topics that might be common.

I think that is true of at least most of us. We try to keep it organic and fresh. Thanks my friend for your conscience efforts on this platform.

As we adjust to the information we consume we start to move toward that vision. Hopefully the various conversations come together to give a common goal that will be attained through many paths.

Greetings, @tarazkp. I think that length is not the real issue. If the material is important, interesting and well written it is worth every word. And, as you rightly point out, there's free will.
Some of us need and benefit from more experienced users' insights, so, keep doing it.

Information is information and it only becomes useful if acted upon. For some, no matter how good information is it will never cause movement while for others, even a whiff of value and they are off and running :)

That's true. There is always a way to do what needs to be done, and an excuse not to.

Brevity is a virtue but only if you don't leave anything important out. It's faster to let it flow and let the readers sort it out. It's very time consuming to edit and re-edit until you have a gem that nails it succinctly but in sufficient detail.

If I had the 'luxury' of time then I would likely work and rework but there are just too many thoughts that need to get out :)

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