can technology help us make our foods better?

in #writing7 years ago

Sustainable Palm Oil & Blockchain


Most of us probably already know that Palm Oil is a major food vegetable oil that is used in a myriad of different industries. It's use is pervasive and doesn't matter where you are, chances are you have used it or keep on using it through the products that you buy.


Now the list gets narrower: Some of you probably know that the major countries producing Palm Oil are Indonesia and Malaysia.

Here I am going to discuss the Palm Oil plantation practices from primarily Indonesia, followed by Malaysia and oh boy are they notorious for not respecting the earth on these issues.

Millions of acres of pristine jungles land (We are talking millions of years of Diverse trees, shrubs, plants, animals) have been cut off and burnt to satisfy the corporate greed to use cheap land for growing Palm Trees. This is a major and serious deforestation.




In addition to that, the industry is replete with use of indentured servants and corporations withhold wages of workers from villages and habitation zones near the plantations.


I won't go into much detail about this but encourage you all to see the following site that explains more about the case and practices of corporations there.

I believe the solution exists where we can mitigate if not eliminate such dangerous practices from the Palm Oil Industry.

How? Enter the Blockchain Model.

If we were able to apply blockchain technology to make sure that what we get as consumers has been sourced from responsible manufacturers (down to the plantation where it was sourced from), that would be neat.

We would be saving millions of acres out there including all their flora and fauna from being decimated forever. We would be helping people earn and retain an honest wage and help make their lives better.

This is responsible earth activism on steroids.



I am looking forward to the blokchain technology to improve our environment.

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