The mysterious love Part II (Bilingual)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


Setelah sekian menit ia mencari, ia mendapati seorang ibu yang sedang memanggil-manggil namanya. Tapi ia tidak mengenali. Lalu ia mendekati ibu itu.
“Ibu, ibu sedang apa disini?” tanya Dinta.
“Ini nak, anak saya.. anak saya hilang dua hari yang lalu di bandara ini. Makanya ibu panggil namanya mungkin ia mendengar suara ibu.” jelas ibu itu.
“Maaf sebelumnya, nama lengkap anak ibu siapa ya?” tanya Dinta lagi.
“Dinta Kartini. Ketika itu dia baru pulang dari rumah pamannya di Manado, sampai di bandara ini dia sempat menelpon ibu, lalu tiba-tiba teleponnya terputus. Ibu pun bergegas kesini mencarinya. Tapi dia tidak ada disini.” jelas ibu itu sambil menangis.
“Sabar ya bu. Semoga anak ibu cepat ditemukan. Ibu lapor ke polisi aja.” Cetus Dinta.
“Ibu sudah melapor, tapi polisi bilang belum ada kabar mengenai Dinta.”
“Tadi saya pikir ibu panggil saya, karena nama panggilan saya sama dengan anak ibu. Yasudah saya pamit dulu ya bu.” ucap Dinta.
Ternyata dugaannya salah. Suara tadi bukan suara tantenya. Ia pun terus berjalan sambil memikirkan anak ibu yang hilang itu. Tiba-tiba nada dering handphone Dinta berbunyi, panggilan dari tantenya.
“Halo tan.. tante dimana? Dinta nyasar ni. Ini masih di bandara. Tante cepat kesini ya!” ujar Dinta.
“Iya Dinta. Tante lagi di jalan ni, sekitar lima menit lagi sudah sampai kesana.” Jawab tante Mira.
Lima menit menunggu...
Tettt..tettt.. Sebuah mobil berhenti dihadapannya. Kaca mobilpun terbuka. Ternyata tantenya Dinta. “Ayoo naik din..” ajak tante Mira.
Dalam mobil, ada dua anak kecil yang sedang bermain gadget. “Ini anak tante?” tanya Dinta.
“Iya mereka anak tante. Yang cewek namanya Lisa dan yang cowok namanya Andi. Lagi libur sekolah, jadi tante ajak mereka.” cetus tante Mira.
“Oo begitu ya tante. Bagus ya namanya. Oya tante, kita masih jauh?” tanya Dinta.
“Nggak lagi. Ini sudah sampai.” ujar tante seraya memberhentikan mobil.
“Makasih ya tante sudah terima aku disini.” kata Dinta.
“Iya sama-sama. Mari kita masuk.” ajak tante.
Dinta sudah sampai dirumah mewah milik tantenya. Ia dari kampung terpencil di Madura mendapatkan beasiswa, sehingga ia harus berangkat ke Jakarta untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya.


English Google Translate

After so many minutes he searched, he found a mother who was calling her name. But he did not recognize. Then he approached the mother.
"Mommy, what are you doing here?" Dinta asked.
"This boy, my son .. my son lost two days ago at this airport. So the mother called her name maybe she heard the mother's voice, "explained the mother.
"Sorry in advance, the full name of the mother's child who is?" Dinta asked again.
"Dinta Kartini. At that time he just came home from his uncle's house in Manado, until at this airport he had called the mother, then suddenly the phone was cut off. Mom rushed here looking for her. But he is not here, "she explained, crying.
"Be patient, ma'am. May the mother's children be found. You report to the police. "Cetus Dinta.
"Mother's been reporting, but the police say there's no word yet on Dinta."
"I thought the mother called me, because my nickname was the same as the mother's child. Yasudah I say goodbye ya bu. "Dinta said.
It turned out to be wrong. The voice was not her aunt's voice. He also kept walking while thinking about the missing mother's daughter. Suddenly Dinta's cell phone ringing sounds, a call from her aunt.
"Hello tan .. where is tante? Dinta stray ni. It's still at the airport. Auntie here quickly yes! "Dinta said.
"Yes Dinta. Auntie again on the street ni, about five minutes more has got there. "Answer Aunt Mira.
Five minutes waiting ...
Tettt..tettt .. A car stopped in front of him. The glass of the car is open. Apparently her aunt Dinta. "Ayoo go up .." invite Mira aunt.
In the car, there are two little kids who are playing gadgets. "Is this auntie?" Dinta asked.
"Yes they are children aunt. The girl named Lisa and the guy named Andi. More school holidays, so aunt invite them, "said aunt Mira.
"Oo so ya auntie. Good name. Oh Auntie, are we still far? "Dinta asked.
"Not anymore. It's arrived, "said aunt as she stopped the car.
"Thank you tante already thank me here," said Dinta.
"Yes, you are welcome. Let's go in. "Invite aunt.
Dinta has arrived at the luxury home of his aunt. He from a remote village in Madura gets a scholarship, so he must leave for Jakarta to continue his education.

Thank You For Reading My Writing

Hope You Like It


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