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RE: Why do we love/need dystopian literature (discussion)

in #writing7 years ago

Its interesting to think about the state of society and if we are better off or worse off now than in the past. Maybe we just hear more about troubles in more places due to technology and 24 hour news channels and social media.

Maybe we're adrenaline junkies who actually get a buzz from the fear of society, much like we love our rides at the amusement park and action or horror movies. Maybe we're all being manipulated into being afraid so we are constantly monitoring the news and feeds to see what might be happening next. Maybe that causes inequality because we're dividing up into us vs them and if they are our enemies, we consider them unequal to us, usually inferior.

I really don't know. I'm just throwing out random thoughts inspired by your thought provoking article. Thanks for putting it out there!


Oh I like where you're going! And I do agree, it doesn't help how plugged in we are when it comes to certain things. My friends used to really question me when I said I don't watch the news because I can't handle how depressing it is, but this year a lot of them have told me I was right, they can't watch it either any more.
I just feel like we could be so much more, but instead of going left we went right and instead of a Disney fairytale we got a Stephen King horror novel.
Thank you so much for commenting! I loved what you wrote. ❤️❤️❤️

You've captured my attention.

This is extraordinary!

Absolutely amazing.

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