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RE: Digital, I love and hate. Paper, I hate and love 數碼,我又愛又恨,紙本,我又恨又愛

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

所有東西都變得快,文章要短,畫不用畫,幾個app就可以了。社交平台上的,有多少是真的?但卻是我們現在花最多時間的地方。哈哈我常常開玩笑說,現在FB IG上的照片,樣貌可以是假的,身材可以是假的,背景可以是假的,連身高也可以是假的,但我們卻往往樂此不疲的給Like點贊。



你說的太對了。或許只有感覺才是真實的。I like it how you pointed the the idea of distractions with explosion of digital media and gadgets,- and it makes me feel it sort of takes us away from what's worthwhile. I work in the digital industry for 10 years, everyday we talk about deploying tools that focus on customer experience like how it"sticks"(to users' behaviours). It does not make me "real" in fact when I think about the consequences, technology and automations is replacing jobs etc. 也許對於多數人來說真的感覺是用心感受 the human experience 然而這是科技無法複製的。(不好意思我的中文只有小學生水平)加油!

我還想起以前和朋友一起的時光,可能只是無聊的玩玩大富翁,甚或一起想一些集體遊戲,是多麼的真實快樂,現在很多人都覺得這是浪費時間了,我倒不如回家看幾集網劇,或看完所有的social news feed, forum posts. We care about number of likes, but not a word from friends.

That's why i seldom selfie or ask for photos with friends. My friends live in my heart. The experience of events, trips etc exist in my heart, in my memory. I don't need a photo to prove it.

btw, my english is not good also haha. Chinese Australians are still using traditional Chinese?

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