Digital, I love and hate. Paper, I hate and love 數碼,我又愛又恨,紙本,我又恨又愛

in #writing7 years ago


今天,我再一次訂購了一本LEUCHTTURM 1917的筆記本,決定重投紙本筆記本的懷抱。從2010年智能手機普及開始,我由紙本筆記轉換到數碼筆記,再轉回紙本筆記,然後重投數碼筆記。今天,我又一次轉回到紙本筆記。
Today, I order a LEUCHTTURM 1917 again and decide to go back to paper notebook. Since 2010 when Smart phone popularized, I changed from paper notebook to digital notebook and now, I come back to paper notebook.

Seems today paper notebook is already an old-school method: we need to write word by word, think of the layout before writing, cannot edit and cannot carry everywhere. But, I discover the good of paper notebook again.




I start “paperless” since 2011. It gives us great advantage: save time, save money and save trees. Our digital notes can be edited anytime any way, can be shared to everyone, can make good use of multimedia like audio notes, picture, website link etc. We can “search” the notes we need to use, which means we can save our time for tidying our notes.

A few years later, I come back to paper notebook. It’s because I find that I can’t remember the contents of my notes! Although I can “search” them, I feel like the notes I typed do not belong to me.

I believe many people may find that our memory becomes worse since we use digital notes. Actually, our impression is composed of number of senses: hearing, vision, taste, smell, and tactile. Our memory is composed of: ociative memory, experiencing memory and image memory. When I wrote a note, I remembered I was suing a Moleskin Black notebook. I wrote some information in the middle of the notebook. My writing was bad and big as I was in a hurry. I completely remember what I had written.

When I switch to digital notebooks, I find every note look the same, same fonts, same size, same layout (most people don’t wanna spend time on such kind of things when writing notes). I can only remember when I wrote it.

I lost something “real”.


No paper, no creativity


I believe everyone has similar feeling like me. Secondly, I feel I lost my creativity since I use digital notebooks.

紙本筆記其中一個好處,就是排版上的自由度,當我參觀倫敦的大笨鐘,寫下旅遊筆記時,我一時興起,就在筆記上畫上我心中的大笨鐘。但數碼筆記,不論是Evernote, Word, 我們就已被規限在已有的格式中,我想,大家很少會先畫下大笨鐘,再上載到這筆記吧。當時,現在有很多數碼繪圖工具,但我們已習慣了數碼筆記的既有格式,我們不再使用不同顏色,不同墨料的筆,我們不再用彩帶,我們不再有螢光筆。結果,每一篇筆記都跟我們網上看見的文章一式一樣,沒有變化,沒有靈魂,少了一番感情,少了一份立體。
One advantage of paper notebooks, is the freedom of layout design. When I visit Big Ben and write a travel note, I want to draw the Big Ben in my mind. So I draw it! Draw beside the words or draw under the words. It’s just for you! For digital notes, no matter Evernote or word, we are limited by the setting. We won’t draw the Big Ben and upload to the notes. Although you did it, it’s already a picture but not a drawing. We don’t use different color and different ink of pens, we don’t use paper tape, we don’t use highlight pen. The result is, our notes look the same, no change, no soul, no feeling, no dimension.


How fast and how busy do we need?


However, I think that the biggest influence of digital is our concentration. We can drop notes and schedule quickly. We can search articles we need through the web, we can finish a lot of things in a short time. It means we don’t want to spend time on something that need a lot of times.

In the past, I liked to read books in the bus. Today, I open Instagram, Facebook, or weibo. Sometime I find a good article, oh! It’s too long. I will read it late. Of course, I completely forget it after I got off the bus.

又或當我打算認真坐下來,寫一篇文章時,當想好開頭,突然一個WhatsApp傳來,好吧,我先花時間處理一下,再回到電腦前,噢!我剛才想到哪裡了?好了,我想回來了,重新動筆,突然叮噹一聲,原來有新的郵件。OK,我關掉我的網絡,專心寫作!15分鐘後,我就開始想: “不知道這段時間有沒有重要的訊息呢”。我又忍不住打開網絡。結果,1個小時過去了,500字都寫不到。
OK, now I sit down and decide to write an article. Just finish brainstorming the opening, suddenly a WhatsApp notification. Ok, reply first. When I come back to the computer, oh! I forget when I have done! Fine, I spend some time to remember. Suddenly come a new email again. I decide to switch off my Wi-Fi. After 15 minutes, I start to think, “do I miss any important messages?” 1 hour passes, and I can’t write 500 words.

Today, seems we get used to the life of fast and busy because of digital. Digital seems to provides us great convenience like simplifying our works and procedure. But at the same time, we feel like much busier than in the past and we can’t concentrate on one thing. Now, I still carry a book with me all the time, but I only have time to read a while every few days. And I can’t stand for browsing the web after reading books not enough to 1 hour.


I find my memory in my paper notebooks


Digital brings us great convenience. We don’t need to go to the library and borrow a number of big and heavy books. We don’t need to bring a lot of paper and documents with us. All information can be accessed from a computer or a phone.

At the same time, we seem to lose something, some memory. When I read my child diary, I find my words were so ugly. When I read an old book, and find some smudge, I remember that I carelessly got some sauce on the book when I was dining with my girlfriend. And my girlfriend blamed that I only cared my books and ignored her. When I read my old notes, I find my drawing of my vilified boss. Hah how much did I hate my boss at that time? When I look at the notebooks on my shelf, I can still remember how excited when I went to the stationery shops in the old days.

Digital provides us great convenience and at the same time steals our memory. I will not say something about how bad digital is like an old guy. It’s because digital is a progression. But we can’t forget the goodness of paper notebooks. I believe that paper notes will not vanish, but to mixed with digital notebooks. For example, Moleskin had already published a smart paper notebook that allow us to upload our paper notes to the cloud in a very convenient way.

But, I believe I will still use paper notebooks. Because, no matter how good an app is, it can’t be better than a pen and a paper. Only my notebook is my style, my memory.

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All picture from Pixabay and Bullet Journal


I need a notebook to keep my steemit keys

haha you win


所有東西都變得快,文章要短,畫不用畫,幾個app就可以了。社交平台上的,有多少是真的?但卻是我們現在花最多時間的地方。哈哈我常常開玩笑說,現在FB IG上的照片,樣貌可以是假的,身材可以是假的,背景可以是假的,連身高也可以是假的,但我們卻往往樂此不疲的給Like點贊。


你說的太對了。或許只有感覺才是真實的。I like it how you pointed the the idea of distractions with explosion of digital media and gadgets,- and it makes me feel it sort of takes us away from what's worthwhile. I work in the digital industry for 10 years, everyday we talk about deploying tools that focus on customer experience like how it"sticks"(to users' behaviours). It does not make me "real" in fact when I think about the consequences, technology and automations is replacing jobs etc. 也許對於多數人來說真的感覺是用心感受 the human experience 然而這是科技無法複製的。(不好意思我的中文只有小學生水平)加油!

我還想起以前和朋友一起的時光,可能只是無聊的玩玩大富翁,甚或一起想一些集體遊戲,是多麼的真實快樂,現在很多人都覺得這是浪費時間了,我倒不如回家看幾集網劇,或看完所有的social news feed, forum posts. We care about number of likes, but not a word from friends.

That's why i seldom selfie or ask for photos with friends. My friends live in my heart. The experience of events, trips etc exist in my heart, in my memory. I don't need a photo to prove it.

btw, my english is not good also haha. Chinese Australians are still using traditional Chinese?


過去一直有個錯覺,以為數位的東西往後好搜尋,但後來發現真正需要搜尋的東西實在不多 XD


在路邊站定,咬開筆蓋,翻開筆記本寫些什麼,其實這動作還蠻酷的不是嗎 XD




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handwriting always got its advantages in there.

yeh I love hand writing

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