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RE: Writers...Download Your FREE Copy of "HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR BOOK"

in #writers6 years ago

That is wonderful, @dreemit! I'm glad our paths crossed also, you're one of the kindest people I've ever met. I still can't thank you enough for the table of contents you did for Alarm Clock Dawn and the wonderful posts promoting my books throughout the years. Doesn't it sometimes feel like we were all magnetized to this platform for some larger purpose? What's your new project?



Indeed it does, for me, especially in the beginning, it felt like jumping into a pool of inspiration. As if the universe concentrated creativity in this place. And as all things come in waves, I suspect a new wave of that inspiration will hit at some point :)

I'll be publishing the stand alone novel I put through steemit- Unproven- soon, and the second book of my series this summer as I work on another stand alone novel and finishing book three. Taking up 'real estate' in Amazon is the primary goal at the moment, but I definitely need to develop marketing skills.

And yourself? What is new in the extraordinary life of @ericvancewalton? xo

OMG, the beginning. From mid-2016 until after SteemFest1 it felt as if we found utopia. For me, it felt like a taste of what the Woodstock generation must have felt. I'll never forget what that was like. It's bound to happen again, if not here somewhere.

Your projects sound very exciting! Book launches are so much work but so satisfying...there are so many correlations between a launch and raising a child. Lol. I wish you the best of luck on your launches. The most important thing I've learned is to capture as many email addresses as you can so you can reach out to your readership independently of any platform. Also, get a good bunch of reviews posted by your readers prior to your main public launch. You can offer the book at a discounted retail price (or free) if people are willing to write an honest review. Lots of reviews (whether good or bad) are tremendously valuable.

I have lots of different things I'm working on at the moment. HardFork is still moving forward and we should see some exciting developments with it in the next few months. We've changed our focus a bit and will be working towards releasing a feature film before the episodic series. We're also launching a chain-based virtual card game that people can play with our cinematic offerings.

It's going to be a fun year!

I KNOW! That time period in steemit history was imbued with magic. I felt like a child again, filled with wonder and awe. Every time I opened a new post I had the sense I was walking through a Narnia-like wardrobe, stepping into someone's world and I could see it- a trendy coffee shop, a worn but comfortable used book store, an art gallery in a distant city, an ancient civilization, a remote wilderness, a comedy club- and the list goes on. The energy in this place was magnificent, as if everyone with a heart and spirit similar to mine had found a secret door into yes, you said it, Utopia. Heaven on earth.

I too will always remember, and always be grateful for it. And wherever that 'somewhere' is, I'm sure we'll find our way to it.

The future of Hardfork sounds incredible, what a journey! I so look forward to that film and series!

I feel so grateful to have been a part of it. That feeling will be what I measure the remainder of my years against. If I'm not experiencing that same level of joy then it's time to find what's next.

The crypto bear market set our timeline back a bit but I think HardFork will be better because of it. I'm so excited to share it with everyone, the fictional world we created is so rich and it's made me grow in ways I would have never imagined.

Please let me know when you're ready to launch your books. I'd love to buy copies and help however I can!

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