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RE: Mysteries of Life: Time, Tasks and the Ways We Avoid Working

in #work7 years ago (edited)

Probably my favorite line that people "work" tirelessly at "Not Working".

My dad was a tireless self-employed worker that taught from an early age to work hard. I don't work for myself (I work for a corporation) but it's time based. I dislike it as much as most people hate the corporate rat race. I find most of my "free time" is researching investments to some day be financially independent and/or find "work" that I actually enjoy doing. As they say do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

If I had it my way I would financial independent and spend most of my time volunteering and helping others. That's my dream anyways.


Well, I hope for you that you do find that exit door.

I'll be the first to admit that my first break with Korporate Amerika was scary, especially from the perspective that I was voluntarily agreeing to pretty much a 70% pay cut. Being independent has been hard as hell sometimes, but I haven't regretted it. If I have ANY regrets at all, it might be that I don't have 20 more years of having paid into a 401-K. But so it goes.

I'm a writer, and an artist, and an independent thinker. We're doing the things that create some degree of freedom...

Very inspirational, denmarkguy.

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