Word Poetry Challenge #7 : Memories

photo credit: https://www.google.com/search?q=let+go&prmd=visn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_8ZGOmYfcAhWHQN4KHRlRA1UQ_AUICigC&biw=361&bih=618#imgdii=8kXSA8-MHNnyEM:&imgrc=hzpZCcRfW3xAEM:


My dreams began to start.
When you fill my heart.
Choses me to be in your life.
Flattered me so much.

The flower that blooms.
Showered by warmth of love.
Made my world colourful.
And faith were irrevocable.

I thought world won't stop.
As you keep moving on.
But the thought was wrong.
It stop together with my love.

We talked about family.
Talked about eternity.
But still you left me.
My smile was not enough?

The life that is unimaginable.
Happiness that is endless.
Became sad memories.
That made my heart shattered.

Thank you for reading.


Wapa diay ni nahuman paul?

ng update p bja

Bitaw , humana ko sa ahung two entry ha ha ja

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