Who is the carefree king?

in #who3 years ago

What is the method to become a carefree king?*
Who is making a carefree emperor?
The carefree emperor means the one who has always had a fixed intellect and a double light life. Those who consider themselves to be an instrument by giving all the burdens to the Father.. Karan Karawanhar Baba is making him and I am becoming an instrument. By staying in this remembrance, you will become a carefree emperor. God Himself It is mine. Baba's Mahavakya is if you remain engrossed in my remembrance, then I will also do the work of thinking for you, then talk to yourself that for whom God is doing the work of thinking, then what is the need to worry about them? By giving the burden to the Father, remain light. * Me and my * these two words bring down our condition as a burden, so whenever * I * utter the word, first the soul should be remembered and when * my * word is spoken, then first Baba should be remembered. Ask yourself do I feel the status of a carefree king? And if not, why? What are the things I am concerned about? And what if I want to be the carefree king?
Baba says when the Father with a thousand arms is ready to help you, then why do you look at a man with two arms? Who will give more support, a thousand-armed god or a two-armed man? So, always keep the Father with thousands of arms with you and continue to experience the state of carefree.


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