
@rogerkver was invested in Dash for about 10 months before he made it public, according to a comment on Reddit. If he invests in Steemit he's not going to make it publicly clear right away. It's good to see him occassionally on the platform at all.

10 months before he made it public

With that pattern and considering he made his first post 7 months ago, only 3 months left to make this public then. ;)

Sorry for downvote. Disagreement on rewards.

I appreciate your sanity. ;)

Yeah, transfer it straight into my wallet :)

Are you going to use it to short STEEM? ;)

Not really, I don't like to trade. when I sell the price rises. When I buy the price drops lol

That's bots on exchanges for you. :D

I've seen it happen all the time on low volume coins.

They make my life hard lol

Is there an exchange that let's you margin trade steem?

I don't think so, but perhaps there is. My comment was referring to the fact that Roger stated the $100k he sent in DASH to the other person was going to be used to short DASH. It was a bad decision in that instance.

Haha! Thanks Bro:)

C'mon, Roger! The people have spoken!

This is #fullhq btw. I did a lot of searching for that photo and you have no idea how long it takes to decide whether to use a suspension point or not.

I agreed with you.

Not that it's required or anything, but I did say I would give these rewards away and so here I am stating that I did gives these funds away to someone on Steemit. It's recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain though.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63651.41
ETH 2679.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80