Weekend Freewrite - 3 Part Option. - The pink dress.

I was dressed in a completely inappropriate shade of pink. Here I stood, looking in the mirror at a body that did not fit into bright stuffy dress.
"Ah - Mum, I can't wear this."
"Of course you can dear. It's distinctive."
"Mum, I'm supposed to be running a corporate seminar. This is not exactly a business suit!!"
" But darling. You will stand out and get your message across. That's what it's about. Get through to the masses."
My Mum works in a beauty sales line and gave presentations all the time. What she wasn't considering was I am 30 kilos overweight and very self conscious. At this point I am almost crying.
"I can't believe I have to stand in front of hundreds of people and present company information, and you're making me wear this dress!!"
All that went through my mind at the time was how I could get my black skirt suit out without her noticing. I could get changed before the presentation started.

"Ahh - we were drinking champagne and losing our shirts?"
This is the only excuse I could give my boss for why I am sneaking into the conference center in a cellulite hugging dress that looked like a corset.
"I have my change of clothes with me"
He eyed me off - you're not drunk now are you?"
" Oh God No!! I was just going along with everyone else, but drinking lemonade." I gave him a smile. "I'm all ready for action this morning!"
He is a crusty old fart and very old fashioned. "I need you in your best performance today. We need results."
"Yes Sir!"
He turned without saying a word. Who else expects you to say 'Sir'? What is this - the 1920's?
Maybe it's time for a job change.
I got to a loo and got changed. Once again looking the part of corporate administration - I started to wander about what Mum said - maybe the pink cellulite dress did get the message across more effectively!

"The day Lillian learned to Drive" is the name of our new advertising campaign"
I could hear the words of my boring and very staid boss from up on the stage. He was standing in front of hundreds of boring corporate Government officials. They were looking into road safety and how to get the safety message across to new drivers. We are an advertising agency contracted to do this job, but I don't think we were doing our job.
" Let me introduce to you an expert in statistics and analytical data. She will break down to you exactly why we need to work on this group of road victims.
He presented me to the stage. I was wearing Mum's pink dress. Cellulite sticking out everywhere and I was looking like an overweight hooker, not a corporate analyst. Many eyes opened up and looked at me. They rose from their SMS's, they came down from the ceiling. They focused on me. mum was right.
"Well then. I'm glad I have your attention! This dress is not what I normally wear, but I need to get your attention. Because lives are at stake here. Do you realize that our jobs actually save lives? That we are as important, if not more so than the Doctors in the hospitals. Because if we save just one life by getting our message across then we actually save lives? So put down your phones!! Get your eyes off the ceiling and LOOK AT ME!!!"
Mum was right! Good on her!!


This is a FAB FAB FAB weekend freewrite!! :D

Thanks for the compliment and for reading it!

Thanks for your good posts, I followed you!

This was absolutely fantastic!!! You pieced it together so well!! Great job!

Thanks - I find the 3 stage hard/challenging. How are you supposed to know where to go with the story? lol

I KNOW!! But thats half the fun, and you did wonderfully so no worries!

Terrific story! Yay for Mum getting her to wear the dress!!

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