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RE: Nature's Vaporizer

in #weed7 years ago (edited)

Actually, from what you describe of your experience with cannabis you haven't ever had clean cannabis. I see you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, as clear as day. It's ok, I went 20+ years without coming across any myself. I'm the only one I know who grows as cleanly since then.

So, 30+ years of using cannabis (in multiple states, non and pro-cannabis) and I've only come across clean cannabis from another grower once. I highly doubt you've even seen it in pictures before. Those are the facts, I don't have to make anything up.

To be honest, everyone (including myself) thought my cannabis was clean and better than anyone else's. This was 10 years ago. When I came across clean cannabis I was shocked. Turns out I was simply growing better crap than everyone else's crap. Shocking indeed.

Your choice. You can run with this information and seek out truly clean cannabis. You can also discount it and continue to use unclean cannabis or resorting to extracts. Life is about choices, which one will you choose?

Go Be Awesome! :D


Stringent state testing? LOL They allow spraying of pesticides. I don't use any and don't ever spray anything in flower. Do your growers use HEPA filters? lol Yeah, thought not.

Don't go pissing in a pool you know nothing about. :D

Yeah. HEPA filters and carbon filters have been pretty standard fare for about uhh...20 years. It’s cool that you want to show off your first grow, but you don’t even speak coherent English. There is no “extra clean” tech that you and one other person have to yourselves. A lot of schizophrenics seem to be picking up Steem...

HEPA is simply one step for providing clean air, I personally don't use carbon since I don't have to care about smell. ;)

There are significant differences required to grow "CLEAN" cannabis. There isn't any "extra clean" the standards of your state allow significant contamination. Their standards are a joke compared to reality and cannabis. What you're using is so far from clean it's ridiculous. One gram of any strain I grow will overpower all smells in any dispensary I've ever been in. Dispensaries are growing garbage. Without knowing what truly clean cannabis is, you'll never notice they're selling you such low quality.

Looks like you're going to stick to your ignorance and play the fool. Have fun reading this again in 20+ years when you FINALLY come across clean cannabis. :)

Assuming your hypothesis is correct, what other choice do I have? If you and one other guy in the country are the only ones growing “clean” cannabis, and I don’t know you, what else am I supposed to do? Not use cannabis and be stuck at home in pain?

Good for you that you think that you have the best weed in the world. Now stop talking about it and start proving it. Maybe state some facts...

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