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RE: Where have the steemit anarchism/voluntaryism celebrities gone?

in #vountaryism7 years ago

As to writes block... How do you get your inspiration? Do you primarily stay focused in ancap topics, or do you pretty much run free and write whatever you want?

I can tell you if I was focused on ancap all of the time I'd likely get writers block too. Though I do think I've read some of your works that had nothing to do with ancap.

As to writers block... anything I can do to help?


Thanks mate. I'll be okay. The ideas are swirling, it's just wording them well.
I think too many times I've sat on a piece for a month, then come up with a fantastic new analogy or turn of phrase.
This makes me glad I held off posting and contributes to my analysis paralysis.
Appreciate the offer :)

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