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RE: Where have the steemit anarchism/voluntaryism celebrities gone?

in #vountaryism7 years ago (edited)

They're pretty much all still actively posting on Facebook all the time, so it appears to be related to money. When the price was low a lot of users left. When the price recovered recently, so many older users who made a lot of money last summer and fall magically found time in their schedules to post content again.

The sad part is - they're being rewarded again for obviously not giving a shit about their followers or the platform in general. I'm not saying that money isn't an obvious motivator, but what they're doing is pretty clear. I have chosen not to upvote most of these people, if not all of them, as far as I know.

It's certainly not exclusive to the anarchists. And it's somewhat entertaining to see everyone saying the same thing:

"I've been soooo busy since last fall, but now I have more time to post, so I'm back!"

It just so happened that all of these people found time again the same week...when the STEEM price made its way near and above $1.00. What a coincidence!


The sad part is - they're being rewarded again for obviously not giving a shit about their followers or the platform in general. I'm not saying that money isn't an obvious motivator, but what they're doing is pretty clear. I have chosen not to upvote most of these people, if not all of them, as far as I know.

Exactly. Their anarchism was a front, not something they really cared about. I did call them out various times and it was the main reason I gained bad rep at the beginning. My early posts were all about calling out bullshitters like TDV and Sterlinluxan.

-1- Why I Respect The DAO hacker and not The Dollar Vigilante

-2- A little Something for the Delussional Anarchists of Steemit

-3- Reclaiming Anarchy from Bullshiters - A response to the lies of sterlinluxan

I admit I haven't been active much but I always managed to post something every week or the longest 2 weeks even if it was for pennies. My only main support was Dan and that only from time to time. Most of my posts I spend hours upon hours, even creating graphics of my own. I knew that the payment was never gonna be grandiose since almost all whales were against my attitude and that small voting tribes where going on from which I wasn't a part.

I criticized anarchy as much as supported it. I called bullshitters and scammers out as soon as my radar picked them up. Once you have been around for some time the anarchic and crypto scene you can tell who is the real deal and who is just pushing an agenda to make money. Anarchy became a crypto-sector if you like just like every other niche politicians use. Same shit, different packaging.

I never cared about the flags or what other people cared about my opinion in here. All I know is that after 1 year, every single thing I said about those two (and many, many others) came about right. If only I played stupid and passive, whoring myself with sensationalism and empty rhetorics, my steem power, rewards and reputation would be much higher. Don't regret it though. Time is the best ally one can have in these kind of things. The sad part is that these short-term sensationalist guys have the same kind of people following them. Easy come, easy go.

I will have to check out those posts. There are too many scam artists and fascists in the supposedly "libertarian" crowd. Ultimately these will have to be rooted out or there is no movement or remote posibility of building one. Thankfully there is cooperative agorism to fall back on, but even there we greatly benefit from having people around us that share a common vision.

More or less it takes common sense and be able to see beyond the demons of "state". That is only the facade. The easy target. The problem is much deeper.

Right, the state is not the only ethical issue. A lot of people use it as an excuse not to bother with other areas of thought, which is quite tragic.

exactly. This is what I was trying to say to those guys. You can see more on my posts.

Yeah, ultimately it is sad. Yet I'd rather have them here posting than not. It ends up being beneficial for the platform, and when they don't stick it out those of use that are celebrities tend to benefit from their stranded followers they left dangling behind. They find out they too are part of our community and this place gets stronger.

I'm still here though ;) and pretty much nowhere else

Yeah, same for me. I can do my anarchist thing without advertising it all day, every day. And I'll stick with it, even during bad economic times for this platform...or even for myself as an individual.

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