My Morning Routine for the Past 1.5 Years | DTube Video

in #vlog6 years ago

I talk a bit about what has been my morning routine for the past 1.5 years. I believe this is really what has benefited my health and fitness more than anything has before and it did not involve any drugs or medication. There has been a few exceptions of course, as life can get crazy busy, but generally this is what I do and aim for.

I start every day with a liter of water. 30 minutes - an hour later I would have a piece of fruit (or a big fruit meal if my bicycle ride that morning is going to be over 90 minutes).
I then get on my bike and explore!
Changing my primary form of exercise to cycling has definitely helped me in so many ways. I'm now fitter than when I was running because cycling is a lot lower impact on the body which means I can do more training and not get injured.
It has also brought my enjoyment for exercise back. Because I mean how can something be sustainable if it is not fun to do?
I talk more about all this in the video!

▶️ DTube

So do you suggest cycling instead of running? And what time do you start cycling and what time do you end? Do you have a job that you go to?

Running is good cross training but it is too high impact for most people and it takes a long time to build up the conditioning in your legs to do it without getting injured...So yes i recommend doing most of your training on the bike. The amount of time I spend riding vary’s from 30min- 5+ hours, it depends what I feel like. If you can only spare an hour to train every day then do some intensite 1-2 times a week which will help with your fitness, the rest of the time just ride easy.

Would you believe it, if I told you that, I can't ride a bike?

Start with training wheels for a day or two?

I'm really interested in your profile, I'm a runner who quit, and now I'm looking for the zeal to resume.


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